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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. gdfgdfgdfgfg a gagaga a gagaga a gagagagaga lack of sleep grumpy ... normal ?
  2. if it killed innoncent people, it killed tons of accarii, plant ... tree as well ... 'sigh' if biped could stop start thinking only about themsleves when they drop bomb that could be great ....
  3. drone ... frank ... einstein ... series ...
  4. well installing take linux take time, i personnaly prefere growing potatoe, but i m failry convinced my own system is full of accarri like my skin ... but with that my point is failry like snowden ... as i exactly know what many people play, i don't , then if at some point gun happen because hacking ... well hacker should know potatoe feed human and hacking feed gun (insert whatever hat color ...)
  5. i dream i could dream then nightmare happen ; weird
  6. i tried to sleep unluckily, the young peops in building other side of the street played music all night ... shame on me for even still believe i could sleep when i want too ... tonight i tried to sleep, epic fail series ... criesssssssssssssssssss
  7. adult of a country in war with adult of another country should force there kids to learn the languages of the country they are in war with so may be the kids would stop, for the adults it's often too late, but for the kids it might give them a chance ... also badum tshhhhh insert number or caracter set ideo picto phonogramm on earth ....
  8. yeah mazinger is about the wit event, and is deeply linked with the fall of lord wlarus long long ago on glopdose, mazinger has been brought to stupid human per the walrus every narwhals and bear know that ^^
  9. "the foreground often change but the background often remain the same" a rough translation from a think/g i wrote or read long ago i m not even sure "le fond change mais la forme reste et est souvent la meme"
  10. http://imgur.com/a/vfof7 v f o f 7 giigles traduc yourself je voulais dire un truc et pis en fait non, et pis de d'façon chaque fois que je dit un truc ça part en vrille ... donc bon ... je m'absttient autant quze faire ce peu ... beyond the possible ou un ou deux ou troye je voulais dire un truc et pis en fait non je voulais dire un truc et pis en fait non je voulais dire un truc et pis en fait non
  11. "does anyone mind if we plane to send a hundred or a thousand voluntar opening a small farm near tchernobyl core,and eat their stuff" (may be one could get lucky ... also you can count me in)
  12. may i a littl' no idea what your refering too uncle scrouge ^^ i m gonna rewatch fantasia ... once more ... 'sigh'
  13. 3 mental shock stacking can heal weird @tater nice song
  14. i love shortcut, well thks a lot for this one mad
  15. shame on me and just shame on me i already have enough to do with that to shame anyone else ...
  16. it's not resize it about using multiple window at the same time, the one you need for what your'e currently doing ^^ np and feel free as said in pm ^^
  17. i m concerned with gout ... not because alcool but because: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischer–Speier_esterification now i almost never eat sugar directly, but when oh well whatever i want some and bah ... i used to eat lot of candy and haribo and lutti .... so ... when it happen oh do i solve gout: i just walk 10 15 min suffering a lot ... ... because it has to do with heart pressure and extremety (for me it's feet) but for some people it could be hand or shoulder ... and gout is a somehow a very strong physical pain .... aciditic concentration and nerve related prolly // heart pressure...
  18. bah sugar ... how many sort of sugar there is .... also everyone do not react the same at all to sugar and whatever, regarding sugar some bee sugar are often cool depending the flower tree (melting) and bee species they come from .. may be ytou can add a small spoon of some specific honey to limon drink, but well would require some advised dietetician for wich bee and wich location to use
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