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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. then all fleet rebel again there leader game over i love this game ^^ but you don't want me to play it ... thoose fleet commander sometime ^^ where my fleet now ; ) oh just in front of me ^^ so cool
  2. https://www.google.com/maps/@-37.8059365,77.549011,270m/data=!3m1!1e3 follow the roads they said, they may bring you to some weird spot ^^ look fun, what are they doing there ^^
  3. when you need to smoke https://www.google.com/maps/@-37.8298523,77.55259,13337m/data=!3m1!1e3
  4. peoples that want always more for themselve without reinvesting accordingly thinking no one will notice and can stop by themselves accumulting for they own selfishness silly comfort annoy me a lot ...
  5. more oki more oki more oki more o k i more o k i more nope i liked the thread name, still totally unrelated why do i have to post weird thing all the time ....
  6. i tend to prefer this; but that's a very personnal artitistic touch approach prolly due to aging and lite autism i guess: http://store.steampowered.com/app/355240/ =^^= neko neko =^^=
  7. 1599: a floor where you can play a game with spider and else: http://store.steampowered.com/app/355240/ oh oh oh the peops who make this are seriously brain messed up ^^
  8. my bet would go on the noise it could potentially make with a flue shot ... that prolly Nasal according to etymo ^^ xDr https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/noise#Etymology
  9. nope you ll get a mary line moon row jeez Зачем изобретать велосипед?
  10. whenever that please you or not why don't use a jcvd avatar ? (( ^^ ))
  11. you mean this scotius ? http://en.roscosmos.ru/174/ http://www.accuweather.com/ru/aq/vostok-station/2273742/weather-forecast/2273742 but true i would love to see more sciency publication on there but, but some peops gonna whine because dust and bones ? peops sometime ... assign and work repart ... ... & ... and the who and why asked who to do what to do what to do when (&etc.) in the first place and who took the part to make it whatever the cost ... for part a littl' may be ... side of topics and speaking of official communication, been a bit suprised per the isro page .... socio-psycho local sparse context ... 'sigh' g e n e r a l p u b l i c c o m m u n i c a t i o n and the last 70 years ... aie aie aie ...
  12. cool your an us ^^ waiter there is a weird us oops in my soup ^^
  13. copyright issue ... ahhhh ... microsoft word cc license 1995 ... make neandhertal and the wheel happy once again ... 'sigh' copy past, do combination with word .... blablabla copy right for simple combinatory math mixing this stuff with stuff, properties lawsuitset[insert your i m born somwhere here] ... boring ....boring company ... let's rexplain, long ago people were trading, it was quiet complicated, so they created money to make exchangge many stuff easier, then some peops become addict to money don't forget that copyright is about distributing ressource and feeding everyone not stupid accumulation because hehe trolololoz , plus the math behind behind the whole current exhange market are fairly easy ... there much better usefull to do with thoose math for everyone than dumb accumulation ... modern capitalism, i do wonder if it's gonna collapse before my last breath or not
  14. send me there i m gonna study that with my bones in dust ^^ hehe @razark
  15. yep cia attempted to profile the pretender once, still they're not sure wich profile to pick in the end ^^ thoose peops are weirds ... ^^ if you want a good johnny deep profiling, try "rhum express" ^^ it's full of political garbage as well and splosion with a touch of romance for the audience :3 :3 :3 ^^
  16. yup but your alone with middle of groenland, lucky you have a lighter i wish people could stop thinking when reading what i wrote this way i may be head hited less
  17. "yup we won't take time to think about that again and again"
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