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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. banned for photoshoping photo xDr and banned because i like your hat ^^ want the same ^^
  2. from this you figure this out, the queen of england wrote harry potter saga each day before going to sleep and dropped the copyright to a almost homeless person this homeless person hill not far from ric hill
  3. when sltiherin between the teethssss save willy the narwhal & harry potter next king of canada , the teeeth tufffir the teethhhhhhhhh
  4. ichi nissan yon go roku seven height nine to ten toten oh oh oh anyway i like that song ^^ and the drawing ^^ and the low law go ^^ & etc. once you get to count toten you ll get the most part of it's linkage with in glitch over ages (thks to a german friend for teaching me ^^) shonën schrime shonën schrime xdr
  5. what about this, i dreamed someone was asking me to write a reboot combo of 1659 1696 1751 1781 1789, then i woke up, and said nope sorry write it yourself i m not fan of the plot in itself ^^ this was such a funny dream
  6. true ;^) it s false @zekes long time no see must be busy
  7. i start gettin' bored spending energy speakin' like everyone, so i speak autist again ... and peoples don't like autist kind of talk they never get it ... also i m gonna soon head back in my cavern and shut up again ^^ adding one more failed attempt to discuss with "normal" peoples ... to the already long list of said attempt ... thks for asking shp ^^that's kind of you ^^
  8. i just dream i could sleep, and believe me it's a weird dream ^^
  9. well speaking of * and obelix .... how to say ... champolion , it's about scribe that overlap here and there ^^ thoose scribe multitasking are so annoyin ^^ kill them all and bury them with pharaoh ^^ might work, may be may be not ^^
  10. you don't like alien newt bishop ant bee and termit kerbi honey ^^ you must be a bene geserit mistake ^^ xDr you know your a nerd when ther's no duna in mexico only jool ^^
  11. nice haiku ^^ a mi ami ah mie âme i miami i am me me am i @OrigamiOrigami next ^^
  12. banned because i wrote tons of stupid.org stuff the past hours here and there and else ware ^^
  13. else you can also prey and hope that your brain get magically connected to the sat network without device, but that prolly will never happen ^^ but that wouldn't be handy anyway and very loud and noisy ^^ kinda like a compass infinitesimal variation in the magnetic fields mess ; ) anyway that could make a cool plot for a book or a movies ^^ but i guess prof xavier and magneto would approve a reboot ^^ without tatoo of course ^^
  14. :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 nice image ^^ the shape of things over time ^^ sometime so far and still so close in a way ^^ btw i dunno if plant are blind or can't ear ,) but they may be sensible to vibration like a stomach or whatever ^^ at a certain scale it's a bit unclear still ^^ my poptatoes like vivaldi, while my radish tend to prefer heavy metals ^^
  15. i use a summon @Starwaster summon near your Mo-hill then i use my heal on it's heel ill to make it clear than i m not interested in any sort of hill or king and empress that thingies wich is a lot of îles ?
  16. the cube might has to do with the properties tab, some of the stuff there could activate some specific overlay if i remind within this tab, may be like the ones for boolean and etc ... not sure at all tho'
  17. per default it's top left, it kinda layers like photoshop with various kind of object sub-object and all, for animation i recommand you split your object in various layers it make it easier, think about it like photoshop and multiple image if you anticipe and split your element it's way easier to anim and to export to unity, and set up within unity afterward (but as said i played with that so long ago that i don't remind exactly ^^ 300% rusted mode on hihi) i can't even share you my blender model because my old pc is rip with boot sector error ^^ give me a second i m checking some old thread to see if there some files you could use as tuto
  18. for the cube, check blender various entity hierarchy tab, you might find it somewhere (else it's another overlay from another functionalities, thoose area per default just under the hierarchy within blender), then for the anim as far as i remind use "layers" to separate the various object, also if i remind well the order of each object is important once in unity in term of bone scheme (wich mean within the hierarchy it's preferable,to get nodal object at the extremities) try to pm someone that use blender, and make some anim lately ^^ you might get a quick answer as well ^^ can't give more clue or hint because it's been a while but theres prolly some good tuto in the modeling sub forum and sticky
  19. you don't know and your an it worker ; ) fun don't you think ? you'r gonna hate me for this answer but ; ) your missing something very obvious about that ^^ my suggestion reread assimov ^^ the feel of power ; ) and grab two silex and attempt to make fire with them ^^ so :3 then what i m curious about is how long does it took you to make fire ^^ that's failry simple for some you know ^^
  20. i wish for @Grey Iron Crown again hihi it miss me so much xDr the rep grand wut ?
  21. nope ^^ nope ^^ nope @EBOSHI or @Niemand303 next ^^ pôet
  22. latin is boïng boïng com'p'any ^^ xDr great /appllause
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