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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. yup yup filtering limon use to help may be try with 2 3 a day in a medium glasse like 4/5 3/4 water 2or3 time per day ... then go up to 5 6 a day half water or a bit more depending how you feel after a week and half or so hard to say, and preferably no sugar ... also i m not medic ... just a rough idea
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alain_Mimoun how many time did papy won ? the water is strong in papy if you ask me ^^ also rip.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apnea how far well it always depend you know .... also you ll never know until your try train pratice fail or succeed or loss everithing ... it depend it depend
  4. the moar they are the more they are , until it just splode [insert meme kermit] but that's none of my business in/out
  5. i use my i don't watch the info but when im forced to by someone that get me out of my cell so i go over my 0.7 lunch a day my oh thoos "animal" don't like ntmf ... and you figure it just now ? as far as i m concerned with this the last 9 years ... my cookies
  6. https://www.google.fr/search?q=not+that+i+know+what+a+very+baddays+on+the+net+could+eventually+mean+....&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj61dqPjKLTAhWHzRQKHYJ9Dq0Q_AUICSgC&biw=1656&bih=841
  7. do not yawn at the magic boulder ...
  8. because they are born there ... do you the maussasd like me , or do you think they may use my fb account for some weird joke ?
  9. ^^ lot of modules, anim, video, calculation, imag editing, uv etc & etc... the main difference than some others software is that blender gui is a little less "ergonomic" and intuitive at first than some professionnal licensed software ^^ but it's free for the average user and do what most pro software do, & sometime it do even more than some specific oriented pro licensed software ^^ so it's a fair share ^^
  10. that moment when the goaould is bigger than the face ^^ you can't no longer miss it ^^ xD , sholva kree prof jackson xD
  11. yup this and the monsento x.xxx % tralalalalala anyway with everithing that float in the air soil and rain water .... nowdays thoose label ... the mind does a lot also (placebo effect) it's still unclear tho' some people with serious disease got better but scientist can't always explain what happened in their body
  12. well as some study shown nowdays peoples does tatoo and piercing for many reason. mine are pretty small one just few centimeter, one is related to a highway car accident with my brother driving when 18's (120km/h) or so he felt asleep while we just said we gonna stop and take a break at the next stop area along the highway ... . it's a tribal draw i made myself with a japanese "shi" in the middle
  13. well like many other thing, i see more necrosis like a partner , like worm that eat flesh in cemetery ... sure it's uncomfortable ... but "aging" (and/or early) endlife diseases sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ... there two kind of people, some are happy to leave, some fear death, for some it just happen ... then come the physical/psychological pain aspect it remain part of the ecosystem ... even if that could sound harshe ... "life is strange" ... [grumpy censored] ... "life is just strange" ...
  14. when water is too boring it just mean you need to diggest the molecule in the air hebaru ^^ and no longer use your stomach or mouth to eat and diggest what float in the air hehe (could make a good book, let's call it "aerophage vampire & werewolf the next gen" :3)
  15. to me it's sort of fall in the weather.com "kel temps il fait demain et dans 30 jours" kind of topics .. in french weather=time it's the same word and well weather and time over 30 days ... still looking for an accurate model worldwide ? i personnaly don't so well neuro frequencies stimuli (wich chemical are a very small part partner) and all "of that kind"... i watch people playin with that more or less amused, they will learn there mistake soon enough imho unfortunately that's prolly gonna be the very very very very hard way ...
  16. never add an accident even while driving at high speed, even while driving while sleeping (yep been forced too because work you know...), but well as a passenger i had a few accident ... dunno if it answer your question ... but well it's been a while i not drived anithing ^^
  17. it already exist, they are called the sun and the moon and there pals i wish they don't move the ocean and do not irradiate whatever it please them using there energy, you're like a bactrery and and a virus, still it help digest some stuff
  18. it's complicated because all peoples doesn't 100% diggest the same (breaking reassembling molecule) , not even speaking of the neuro aspect ... there some main digest line rules but the digest process and what go after in the whole bodies is more sparse than you might think at first, also it evovle over time: one single or many lifespan
  19. granted you get it ^^ what E.T. is i wish i m dumb stupid and all at the same depending gmt and mood
  20. why thoose two stupid biped need to be center front botom forground perspective back to back lookin in some frinedship seeking direction .... :3
  21. the same sound as the cow girl that tries to save her ant's bags to bee ? what's the correlation between selfy pathkeeper, adolph hitler and "yes who write line on world map since [insert a certain number] of years"
  22. stylish ^^ as allways here a few of mine (always a pain to pick a few within a thousand ^^)
  23. well i did only this a few days ago because i was i need for test textures for a model: it's a bit abstract but somehow i like it ^^
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