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Posts posted by Prowler_x1

  1. Hi, can anyone help me resolve an issue?  I've been having some issues recently so I decided to go through my list of mods one by one until I found the culprit.

    I've been suffering from:

    1. Uncontrollable flicker at KSC,
    2. Black screen at VAB and SPH when reverting
    3. Black screen in flight at some angles

    I have been able to replicate the issue on the following install:

    1. Clean install of KSP, Making History and Breaking Ground (1.11.2, 1.11.1, 1.6.1 Latest releases)
    2. CKAN
    3. Module Manager
    4. B9 Part Switch
    5. Near Future IVA Props
    6. Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux
    7. Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux - Metal Surfaces
    8. Near Future Solar Core
    9. Near Future Solar

    Since Near Future uses the same dependencies I believe the issue is on either "B9 Part Switch" or "Near Future IVA Props".

    I have also tested the flicker recommendations that follow.

    • use the -force-d3d11 launch option
    • use the -force-d3d9 launch option
    • In the settings.cfg file find these settings and make sure they all = 1.


    • Installing Scatterer mod with flicker protection enabled.

    • Tested all scatterer preloaded configs

    • Also tested KSP default video settings and minimized settings as well

    Has anyone found a fix for this? Please help

    "This is my favorite mod and dislike playing without it".

  2. HebaruSan,

    I am using 1.4.3 versions of KSP and MHE with V1.25.1 Broglio.

    I have gone into "Compatible KSP Versions" and selected 1.4.2 and 1.4.1 as compatible with my build.

    When I do this I get an old update for "KW Rocketry Rebalanced" trying to ovewrite a newer update.
    KW-R-R trying to overwrite KW-R-R as newer due to the marking mistake that is marked as KSP 1.3.0 -1.4.99 compatible. KW-R-R is only marked as 1.4.1 compatible.

    Are you able to modify this to correct it?


  3. On 4/19/2018 at 11:04 PM, HebaruSan said:

    People are still uploading mods to CKAN.

    For that we like to make sure the mod author is OK with it, so other ways of contributing would probably be better. There's a list of options here:




    I'm sorry if my comments sounded off-base or even offensive. Not my intention. (English is not my first language) Please let me re-phrase.


    I see several mods going up on SpaceDock from devs who were placing mods on CKAN in previous versions, their updates for 1.4.2 are not showing up on CKAN.

    After speaking with one of the Devs he told me the following:


    ___Some Dev___

    I've been using Spacedock to handle CKAN uploads and everything was fine until the last release 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 Spacedock had an option to automatically mark the existing 1.4.1 file as 1.4.2 compatible and I did this, but it is apparently not working, as the only mod that made it to CKAN was ___Some Mod___.

    Soo... I just went ahead and re-uploaded all the files for the mods and specifically marked them as 1.4.2 compatible. With any luck the CKAN team will get them and update accordingly.

    Thanks again! ___Some Dev___


    I hope this information helps you and the Dev community to make their mods available via CKAN - SpaceDock.

    Thanks again for being such a cool dude, your reply gave me a deeper understanding of how awesome the people in this community are.

    Regards and best wishes.



  4. I get the engine layout and its a great idea. I do not want to discourage anyone building great mods for KSP but I find the elephants coming out of the engine sadistic at best.

    The "Easter Egg" or point could have been proved with Reliant Robins full of Cherry Pies without going into animal cruelty for an endangered species.

    Please do not get discouraged or upset. Love the engine, dislike the animal cruelty joke.

  5. Felipe,

    Thank you. KSP has improved my quality of life drastically. Over the past years I have had to cope with great losses in my life regarding the death of loved ones.

    No matter how awful my days passed, KSP kept my brain occupied at night putting a smile on my face instead of tragedy, loneliness and sorrow.

    KSP has become a part of my soul and has teached me so many wonderful things. The most important lesson I learned is that no matter how many times you fail at something, if you keep at it long enough you will eventually find a way to succeed. "Never give up, never surrender".

    Again, thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart.

  6. On 5/2/2016 at 10:38 PM, pizzaoverhead said:

    Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this mod. I'm several thousand kilometers away from my computer at the moment. Work will resume when I return.


    Here is hoping pizzaoverhead lands in front of his PC to resuscitate this essential and most wonderful MOD. KSP is not the same without a custom soundtrack.

  7. 5 hours ago, RaptorHunterMz said:

    I lost the 3d models and for this mods, so the only changes I can make are to .cfg files.

    But I am making a 4 seat 3m capsule with a trunk and maybe parachutes,


    Awesome stuff, If you need a tester or collaborator I am at your service. I used to love the none protruding engines and RCS on the Super 100. Built in parachutes or ballutes was all it lacked, and maybe some disposable, snap-on, aerodynamic tanks.

  8. 21 minutes ago, toadicus said:

    TweakableEverything has been updated to version 1.15!  This brings compatibility with KSP 1.15 and very little else.

    Squad is continuing their persistent integration of many of our tweaks, so pretty much all the changes the time are removals!  Let me know if there's something missing that you want to see.


    * KSP 1.1 Compatibility
    * Retired TweakableControlSurfaces: it's stock now.
    * Retired TweakableDecouplers: it's stock now.
    * Retired TweakableRCS: it's stock now.


    Don't forget to CKAN.

  9. Thanks for the hint, eddiew - note to self, don't post tired...

    And you found the most annoying bug that I built into the mod and I couldn't fix it yet (unity - what? ;) ).

    Just make sure you un-highlight everything before launching or the colors will stick.

    lol... nice, maybe blue should be replaced with green. then we will have built in port and starboard indicators....:cool:

  10. What you wanting to change ?

    EDIT- If you know how to edit which easy you can with any text editor will open the cfg, I posted the names so you have that much.

    @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -3.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
    @maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600
    @stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE

    EngineType = LiquidFuel

    key, 2 = 7 0.001

    @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.735, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2

    @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.835, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1

    @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1

    Thank you much for the imput. I had done the node bottom changes by hand and now that Kommitz is back I cant wait for the author to retake this mod to a new level. These are the best looking engines in KSP by far. I've been having some issues with textures disappearing from models in opengl mode. is anyone suffering from this?

  11. OK, found some bugs. I fixed them... I need to stop though now due to time constraints. I know, I'm a terrible tease.

    Everything is checked and adjusted. Yes, I know I have said that before, but seriously folks, I found several fuel imbalances I somehow missed, and fixed them.

    Some tanks had an increase, some got a trim. I have been testing and tuning for hours now and it all looks fine to me currently.

    I simply don't have time to write the updates for KerbalStuff and the forum header any more tonight and do a good job.

    Work has been hitting pretty hard the last couple days and finding time to do this has been difficult.

    I swear I'll hit this last detail in the morning over coffee and get it up, so not long to wait.

    I'll post here and Reddit when I have everything squared away.

    Cheers everyone and thank you all for appreciating this mod!

    Thanks for your hard work.... we appreciate your efforts and enjoy every "Bit" of it. Can't wait to see your new release...

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