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Posts posted by Prowler_x1

  1. Thank you for this exceptional work. You've made KSP a much richer experience.

    I've just completed a config rescale for use in Regex's 6.4:1 variant of RealSolarSystem and your SpaceX pack is one of my go-to lifters. Bonus that the scale you employed was a perfect fit. Alas, my many mods require me to forgo the wholesale use of HD version for now.

    Looking forward to your take on the BFR.

    Such a level of detail and the Octoweb engine clusters do increase the part count on the Falcon 9 Heavy (94) and predictably I experience much lag during ascent. Unsure if 27 engines or the 27 FX emissions caused the performance hit, I conducted an experiment by rescaling the NovaPunch 'Little Mother' single part Octoweb to the same size, thrust rating and FX definitions as the 9 Merlin 1Ds. The increase in FPS and playability was profound. Listed below are two FRAPS logs from the first 60 seconds after launch.

    Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg --------(94 parts w/ 27 individual engines)

    1696, ... 60000, .....0, ....45, ..28.3

    Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg ---------(67 parts w/ 3 NP Octowebs)

    3291,.... 60000,..... 36, ..59, ..54.8

    Not sure if this issue has come up before but given the huge performance increase, would you consider adding to your pack by fusing the Merlin engine housing and the 9 Merlins into a single part?


    For reference my system specs are:

    e8400 Core2Duo OC'd to 3.8ghz

    8gb DDR3 RAM

    nVidia GTX 760 2GB

    Windows 7 64-bit

    I love and hate your request.

    Please let me explain my self. I too suffer from lag with HD stuff, thats why I prefer Low-Res so I can bulk up ksp with mods and not HD image files. Your request is quite valid except for one major factor.

    If the Merlin engine is fused into one part, you will lose the ability to turn on and shut down individual engines, thus loosing the entire purpose of a multi-engine layout. I would suggest keeping things as they are currently. If you need to fuse the engine you can do it your self with the help of the following mod.


    No need to bother Laz for that. This mod will help you achieve your goal. It will also make the weld as a new part so you can have both available if you decide to use either one. Hope it helps...

    Oh and another thing, once you animate all the individual nozzles with flames and smoke you will end up with the same lag on the welded part due to the quantity of individual images required for the animation. In other words, back to Square-One.

  2. Ok as of the 3.01 release of proc farings, each mod has its own version of KSPAPIExtensions. Leave them all as they are, no need for deleting anything.


    Thanks for the clarification. I was instructed to remove one of the KSPAPIExtensions.dll files to try and solve an issue. Clearly that did not work and made things way, way worse. Can you please check my post on page 164 of this thread to see the original conflict. I am using procedural parts and procedural fairings both on latest versions.


  3. Small request: I use 12 sides for some of my designs and I want to make them available for download (it's an executive jet with chairs). Also the reason I want to make a transparent element. Would you like to include a change in the config files for 12 sides? I want to practice and create the transparent element myself but when it's ready, would you be interested to include that in the package?


    Is that the new virgin galactic "Party Bus to Space" craft?

  4. Craft file please. Preferably minimal (stock+PF).

    Also, if you're using Procedural Parts, you can try looking for KSPAPIExtensions.dll in GameData and deleting extra ones to keep the newest one only. Swamp-Ig said it should detect and use the latest version automatically, but I think there might be issues with that.

    I found two KSPAPIExtensions.dll files and deleted the oldest, this was your included DLL. The result was KSP load crash.


    I am using the newest proceduralparts mod. I tested deleting the other KSPAPIExtensions.dll but that broke proceduralparts.... Either/Or is an unacceptable compromise. For the time being I am rolling back to the old version that played well with others. I do hope this can get resolved. Please let me know how I can assist.


  5. Indeed indeed, I've ran into this on both of InfiniteDice's forums. He's a great guy that takes things in stride, not once ever taking anything personal, but oh god the fanbase that follows him can be a cult sometimes.

    I do hope though that Bobcat does get around that riverbend and actually come back, if at anything, to free up the ownership.


    I heard a rumor that the same bear that ate the tires on bobcats rover, stole bobcats BBQ grill... Bobcat was so angry that he followed the bear into his cave to retrieve his BBQ grill. When he found the grill the bear was waiting for Bobcat with a surprise party. The bear had prepared a feast for Bobcat to say that he was sorry for eating the Rover's tire and that he had borrowed the grill for the occasion.

    There was a lot of "Piva"-"Beer" and a lot of "Shashlik"-"BBQ meat". Bobcat and the bear feasted together until they were so full that they couldn't walk. They decided to rest a bit and watch a sports game on tv. Both the bear and Bobcat started to get sleepy and decided to take a nap.

    Bobcat told the bear to wake him up when it was time to go but the bear fell into hibernation and never woke him up. Meanwhile, Bobcat keeps dreaming on new ideas for his mods and how to please his fan-base. I guess we will have to wait until the bear comes out of hibernation. Or until someone wakes Bobcat...

    Anyway, that's the rumor i heard.... And I am not one for spreading or telling such fairy-tales.... Please keep it hush hush... we don't want the community to know of such things...

  6. Diazo,

    I love your mod. Unfortunately I have a bug to report. By the way, the mod is fantastic.

    Using LazarousLuan's Laztek SpaceX mod I found that the Mono-propellant engines attached to capsules start behaving like a squid. The governor is broken on the engines. They try to regulate by opening and closing the throttle from 0 to 100% and start to oscillate. (0-100-0-100-0-100...) Usually the capsule will eventually fly upwards uncontrollably until you start adjusting "minus ones" until you find you're bouncing up-down on the same range of altitude or you start a descent in oscillation.(fast-slow-fast-slow...) I have tested both air/mono-propellant and also pure mono-propellant engines.

    I have no clue if the error for the mod is on your end or if it is on LazrousLuan's mod. Please help me determine.

    Regards and best wishes...

  7. Why are users always pushing and rushing devs or modders? Do they think it will make them work faster? - This thread is not for slave driving!

    If a user is not happy with a dev's or modder's output maybe he should take matters into his own hands and make the mods himself.

    Bobcat is one of the biggest contributors to KSP modding. He has made so much stuff that its even hard to keep track of it all. Can you imagine how hard it was to make all that stuff?

    Please don't complain about timelines or deadlines... After all, KSP isn't even finished, and most importantly, other people don't work for you!

    Just be happy that you can use the mods for free, whenever they are released....

    Be nice, play nice and thank your modders and developers for the awesome stuff they give you for free....

  8. Update,

    I've tested and all seems fine. I can declare the LR pack a complete success. It has reduced the memory requirements dramatically, without compromising quality. The pack as usual, looks awesome. Even better than most mods running under ATM.

    Again, thanks very much for making the LR pack available. I can officially say that this is now the number one mod on my list.


  9. V.1.0.2 released!


    -Improved textures

    -Fairing is rotated correct, you don`t have to rotate it in the right position in the editor anymore

    I hope you will have fun with it...:)

    @KvickFlygarn87: Oh yes, I added it to my first post how much the rocket can lift;)


    I am having trouble downloading the new version from the spaceport. Could you setup an alternative download?

  10. Thank you all! :) @Justin Kerbice:Why trouble? Everythink works as it should, or not? What exactly do you mean? :)

    @Prowler_x1: No, it comes in ULA textures, hmh, to make an addintional texture wasn't really planned by me, maybe I will look what I can do.

    Aah, almost fergot to say!: 3rd Stage is in devekopment already, I also started a bit working on the Ariane 5 :P

    What sort of trickery is this??? I think mine is broken... It made it into space without blowing up!

    Just kidding man, Its great. ULA texture is awesome. If you can make more textures for it great but its not necessary. "you should look into the jaws painted on the previous video, that would be neat."

    The mod has certainly made my day so much fun. All I need now, is to find a part that makes it go "boom".

    Thanks and best wishes,

  11. Cool! Stats? I.E. How much can they lift and engine specs.

    Specs for the Delta II:

    It will lift an average size, military spy satellite; 100 feet up in the air before blowing into a puff of smoke. As a bonus you get a fourth of July celebration, pyrotechnic demo.

    Cant wait to light this candle.

    Oh, that reminds me; could I make a request? Does it come in orange? I want mine to look like a stick of dynamite.

  12. Elon Musk doesn't seem to think so... he described it as "100 times larger than an SUV, with the ability to deliver 100 colonists to Mars":


    However, the game crashes when I disembark more than 20 kerbals at a time on Duna, so I think a smaller 5-meter craft will work better.

    Could you build it with the ability to land and take off again? Maybe stage the hab module and pop out a return vehicle from the top. Oh and lets not forget that we could convert the atmosphere into fuel.

    Take a look at this video for inspiration. I am sure you can come up with a better craft using today's tech.


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