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Posts posted by Prowler_x1

  1. I found the flaw.... I rebuilt and tested the craft part by part. The problem is in the original craft file, on the engines. Once the engines got rebuilt the craft was able to launch.... I guess you could call this one a real failure to launch. Had to go back to the VAB for a "faulty seal" lets asume. If anyone is having the same issue and is feeling too lazy to rebuild, drop me a note and I will forward you my rebuilt craft file.

    Weird failure, I would still like to know what the flaw was if anyone could enlighten me.

    Thanks to all and best of luck...

  2. LazarousLuan,

    I am still having issues with the Falcon Heavy. I have tested it on vanilla without problems but on my Modded build I am having some issues.

    Cannot throttle up and launch. I am attaching my log bellow. I know your mod is working perfectly and the issue is somewhere in my build. Could you please take a look and point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.


  3. LazarusLuan,

    Your work is magnificent. I love this mod. However I am running out of 32bit space and have already cut all the corners there is. I see that this mod alone in the standard format is over 300mb. I am already running ATM and low res. Any chance I could request an even lower format of this mod?

    Just to show you that my build is not out of the ordinary I post the following picture where you can check out my build space.


    If the answer is no, I still love this mod and it would hurt me to cut it. KSP would not be as enjoyable.


  4. I am making the custom fairings, but not sure what to do about the engine cutouts since it depends on how you personally mount engines in your lander. Any ideas? I was thinking maybe just the whole middle part of the fairing opens up like a bomb bay door.

    I believe that is probably the best way to go about it since balance and engine lineup is going to be a major factor with the variety of builds and loads....

    If I was to do it, I would probably make two openings, port and starboard, rounded rectangle type. Traveling from the bow to the stern of the vessel. I would protect the ships center while exposing engines mounted forward and aft somewhere along those lines.

    In that type of configuration the engines could be moved for balance but travel to the port and starboard would be limited since there is no need for that. That would also allow dynamic engines or VTOL in some fancy builds.

    Just my opinion... I know everyone has one just like everyone has something else...

    Hope it helps.

  5. Woowoo! I got leg suspension to work! Not spring hinges though unfortunately, but I don't think those are currently possible (I don't know of any parts that use them, stock or otherwise).

    Here's a quick test. Obviously the settings of the legs in the video are super OP, but you get the idea.

    Edit: Oh also, its using PhysicsSignificance = 1 in the video. Without it, there would be alot of forward/backward flexing.

    Looks awesome, So many possibilities come to mind.

    Will you be adding anything else to it? like the custom fairings with engine cutouts or solar panels and antenna ports? I don't mean to pressure you. I would just like a heads-up of what to expect before setting a launch deadline on my program and have to scrap some builds for a retrofit of new tech. :)

    You know how it is, we are hooked on your products and just cant get enough...

  6. Sirkut,

    Been watching this forum closely over the last couple of weeks. Just wanted to drop a quick line and say that all of your dedication and hard work is appreciated. The collaboration with other members of the community in coming together to get this awesome mod working is what makes the KSP community generally far and above anything else. There are of course exceptions to this, but good on you for ignoring the unappreciative, entitled children. Anyway, thanks again to you and everyone that tested and continue to make this game changing module a working reality.

    I agree, Sirkut has done some heavy lifting in the past month. A big thanks to him for his unconditional support and dedication. Also to Omgnull, thanks for your initiative and for your indispensable aid to this mod. Without your collaboration, we still would be sending pretzels into space.

    To everyone else who helped in testing and making this possible, my thanks go to you.

    There are some bright minds coming in and out of this thread. I hope you all get the chance to help and inspire others on your journeys through this wonderful thing called KSP.

  7. Okay sure, but what for? lol

    Here's the work in progress lander: I was thinking to just make the frame, with plenty of space and hardpoints for you to mount whatever you want. The cargo and hab landers have different configurations but the frame is pretty much the same. What do you guys think?


    The wife had to clean the drool from the floor after that last picture...

    P..pa..pa.. please make a cool command capsule and engines for it...

  8. Sirkut,

    From what I see from peoples reports here in the thread, the problem seems to be a generic one for all parts. It involves part placement. Example: if you go bottom to top bottom to top all is ok but if you go bottom to top then top to bottom animations get broken because the part animates only one way not the other way around. This was not happening before in other releases but I guess it is happening now.


  9. This looks terrifying but actually it is quite a light load. It's just tall. In fact this run through career mode I am restricting myself to ships that look semi-realistic so things have to fit in fairing 3.75m extended max. This part is about the max volume that I permit. The lifter is my light/medium Soyuz style launch system. The payload is very light for this and so I have no aspargus staging and in fact the boosters are only 50% full of fuel and the center (spindly) stage 2 has the lower tank section locked or I could put this into orbit on the boosters alone.

    Here is a link to a video I made of the entire launch sequence. It is not edited and I did not think you wanted to hear my squeaky voice so I did not narrate. The entire launch is automated using mechjeb. I can do it manually but when you have to put a bunch of these in orbit it gets tedious and in reality real astronauts are there to take control in an emergency and don't fly things with a keyboard and a mouse (lol). Besides the entire launch sequence is a beautiful thing to watch and I enjoy sitting back and just enjoy the view. I hope you enjoy it...


    Never saw a cotton swab fly to the mun before.:)

  10. Well it's more of a "lean to" shelter for our stupid yellow lab. She has a back porch with pillows but prefers to lay in the dirt/grass so she can watch the road and wait for us to come home. I'll take a pic when it's done.

    Thank for the tip on the crafts. What I will do is redo the plugin in the PartModule format then see if it is causing the same problem. I know that taniwha said he fixed a symmetry issue. Omgnull found another bug that he submitted to github that I will test as well.

    Thanks, Its nice and quiet here. I guess everyone is enjoying the fix.

  11. Yes I did not confirm this but I suspect something in B9 was being altered by a mod, so in combination it was failing. Some people reported KAS was failing, but it always worked fine for me with KAS. For all I know it was KAS+B9 but intuitively I doubt that too. Anyway... fixed!

    Odd since I dont use B9 parts but I may have a ClassName Null somewhere else. Any chance you could request a dump log somewhere to see what parts are actually null?

  12. The COM is dead center. If you're referring to issues with torquing during reentry when using FAR, that's due to an issue where FAR uses the collision box for the ladders and the hatch in its calculation of the capsule's shape and throws it off center. I made an attempt to fix that with the newest release, but it likely won't be completely solved until the next release of FAR.

    I understand... I also see that the solid engines are burning off COM. I guess that is intended to burn out of the way of the massive collision that follows? Could I be wrong? I see some solid engines out of place. Is it intentional?


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