I've been watching this game for a bit, and only held off buying it because of the upcoming steam sale so when it showed up there, I snapped it up. So far I've logged close to 60 hours, and it would be a ton more if I weren't working over 60 hours a week right now. I may possibly spend a lot of my time at work planning my designs/launches for the evening. In retrospect, I have a slightly better idea now why my Kestrel class ultra-heavy lifter (5 meter base with four 5 meter boosters, asparagus style) failed so utterly last night... you're supposed to angle the noses of the rockets in to increase stability, not out. And I know this, normally. Anyways, since I'm saying hello on the forums I thought I'd include a picture of an unintended result of one of the early tests of my Encomium Command Module/Lander: Happy Kerballing!