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Everything posted by AceofPengwins

  1. nice! Very aesthetic design... I can see one of these being placed on a low minmus orbit station, to allow for affordable tourist transport to the surface because of the low fuel usage and scenic descent!
  2. I want this to work. Think of Telemachus, leaving that active on one ship while piloting another...
  3. I vote for minimatts design, while it doesn't have the beauty of some of the others it is very refined and frame rate has a beauty all of its own. Besides 'perfection is when nothing else could be taken away'.
  4. I watched Europa Report after reading this thread, very good movie. And pretty Kerbally, except they all get so sad when... well, you'll see if you haven't yet.
  5. The sweet smell of Kethane in the morning. My first miner actually worked pretty well...
  6. Transferred surface rovers over to my interplanetary ship KSS Alecto. Now it just needs a quick refuel and a Duna launch window.
  7. This echoes my thoughts exactly. Obviously more content is wonderful but the only thing that really bothers me about the game is the way it lags with high part count even on my relatively beastly machine... as a side note, I want the ability to have multiple ships loaded in memory in different areas concurrently (i.e. both active). but that's just because of some stuff I want Telemachus to be able to do.
  8. An unmanned test flight of my interplanetary Erinyes class, doing a Kerbol flyby. First manned Erinyes class, the KSS Megaera, in Duna orbit. Lander from the KSS Megaera, with Jeb aboard, just before touchdown. This mission was all stock, but I've since added Kethane for the planned next mission.
  9. As others have said, it's really preference above around 70k. Personally I feel like I might accidentally let might fall into the atmosphere during maneuvers if it's below 80k, and I keep my main station at 100k just because it's a little easier to rendezvous with there.
  10. I've been watching this game for a bit, and only held off buying it because of the upcoming steam sale so when it showed up there, I snapped it up. So far I've logged close to 60 hours, and it would be a ton more if I weren't working over 60 hours a week right now. I may possibly spend a lot of my time at work planning my designs/launches for the evening. In retrospect, I have a slightly better idea now why my Kestrel class ultra-heavy lifter (5 meter base with four 5 meter boosters, asparagus style) failed so utterly last night... you're supposed to angle the noses of the rockets in to increase stability, not out. And I know this, normally. Anyways, since I'm saying hello on the forums I thought I'd include a picture of an unintended result of one of the early tests of my Encomium Command Module/Lander: Happy Kerballing!
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