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Everything posted by Kerbart

  1. One of the joys of KSP is discovering that nearly allâ€â€if not allâ€â€stock parts are inspired by real–world counterparts. And some mods too. I was shocked to discover that Porkjet's inflatable habitats where based on some real–world design.
  2. ...but vacuum is also a good insulator. The only way to lose heat is by radiation which takes fairly high temperatures to have a significant effect. An engine might quickly drop from near-melting to a mere boiling temperature but after that there can be a lot of heat lingering, meaning that the next time you fire it up it'll be a lot quicker at critical temperature. Having said that, an LV-909 should not be exploding due to overheating.
  3. And my opinion is that people who claim they can do better but are not showing, have a good reason for not showing. It would invalidate their claim.
  4. This is why the Hoover dam was built. Of course we then started to use so much water that Lake Mead couldn't be filled anymore during the wet season, and with a drought coming along we are where we are. I'm sure, if this ill-advised plan would be executed we'd end up the same way; an initial surplus of water that we get accustomed of, dependend on, and only more trouble if, after years of dependency and over-use, we hit a dry spell.
  5. Would it be petty if he said "I feel like a total [ ]" or "I feel like a total [ ]?" or maybe even "I feel like a total [ ]?" (obviously I cannot enter offensive words here but you can fill in the blanks yourself). As those words would not be deemed acceptable, then why would this be? Could I use the N-word and then claim "it's not considered a derogatory term where I'm from?" Would that make it ok for me to use it? Ezequielandrush's English is better than my Spanish and he should be commended for that, and I don't blame him for posting a subject line like that. But it is offensive to a large group of people. The correct response, in my book, is to do what he didâ€â€change the subject line. The correct response is not saying "meh, it's not offensive in my book" and leave it at that.
  6. There are a whole bunch of terms that are not offically medically described conditions but are nonetheless regarded derogatory. Think of the English slang for cigarette, for instance. And yes, as the parent of a mentally challenged child I do find the term offensive.
  7. That's my thought. Also, why not use a Mk3 Monopropellant tank (or two if you insist) instead of a dozen Stratus cylinders? Saves on the part count as well.
  8. The number is slightly better. It’s 3% of the people who went into space died that you quote. According to wikipedia there have been 301 manned spaceflights, and on 4 of those people died. Now, 2 of those were space shuttle flights with a full crew, which is why that 3% number is so high. When it comes to historical data, the chances of getting killed on a space flight are a “mere 1.3%†That is still a high number though. If the statistics on driving a car were that bad you'd get killed within a year.
  9. Each of them needs a lookup value? You're working with an array that actually holds 281 trillion different values? Because if you're not, wouldn't using a sparse array be a much saner solution?
  10. Well, my point is... if for something as trivial as this you're using convoluted code, what are you using for more complex code? Maybe your "real" code is written much tighter, but in a discussion that edges towards "we're not sure if you're approaching things the right way" this doesn't support your viewpoint. You emphasize "I need the code to be as fast as possible because I need to do certain things trillions of times." Then you show a routine like this. That just supports my thoughts of "do you NEED to do it trillions of times?" And maybe you do. But for me the impression remains that you're trying to brute force your way out of an O(n2) problem that should really be converted into an O(n log n) problem or something along those lines.
  11. If that doesn't convince the taxpayer we should explore space, I don't know what does.
  12. This is not the code you want to show if you need to convince us that you need to resort to assembler to speed up your program. I know, that's a different program. But if you're writing code that way, it's safe to assume that the path to optimization should be sought in better code, not in faster code. After the third nested loop you should really be thinking "there has to be a better way for this."
  13. I'd like to see a "descramble" plugin for when those base modules just land a few meters too close (that seems to be my problem, hahaha)
  14. I wouldn't call it an easter egg. That'd be more like a secret feature you have to do special things for in order to discover it. This is just a regular chatterer feature. When you're on board of a manned craft (and debris, even with Kerbals on board, is not regarded as such by chatterer) you'll hear "station sounds". Just like you'll hear airlock sounds when starting/ending an EVA, and breathing sounds during an EVA. Think of air & fuel pumps, those kind of things. Definitely not an easter egg. I'm glad you posted the picture though. It immediately was clear to me what sound you were talking about.
  15. A good demonstration of common sense overruling plugging in numbers in formulas -- You're right, obviously the margin of error is much smaller than the differences between the two sets. It never hurts to take a quick look at it, as you did... and to mention that in the test results in case some $&^! like me brings it up
  16. The results are fairly close and each experiment was done only three times. Not that I'm challenging or disregarding the results, but what was the standard deviation of the results in each test? Just curious how wide the variance was and if there was any overlap, in case the conclusion really should be "not a relevant difference" I applaud you for doing things the way they should be done: by using cold, hard data.
  17. I doubt Persistent Rotation interferes with on-railsâ€â€likely it simply restores orientation for vessels once they become active or are within the physics bubble of an active vessel.
  18. A brave attempt to make our lives easier is always appreciated. Critiquing positive efforts to improve the life of the KSP community members should always be met with positive critique I think, even if you don't agree (positive ≠attaboys) Color coding is good as it helps us to identify good/bad. But if overpowered is considered bad, I wouldn't color it green. Maybe red/yellow/green/blue, with red for a TWR <1, yellow for a positive TWR that's insufficient (whatever that number is), green for a TWR in the desired range and blue for the overpowered range? What does the spreadsheet add compared to just building inside the VAB and using, say, Kerbal Engineer? This seems to be a kumbersome (<- ) way to design a rocket. I'm sure designing the spreadsheet was a fun exercise but I'm not sure what you'll get out of it if you didn't build the tool, so to say One approach is to use the optimizer in Excel. As Slashy mentioned: my payload is x, my required dV is y. I want a two-stage launchers. Go! and the model would tell me what the most optimal choice is within those constraints. That's pretty tough to build though So what about a "build analyzer"â€â€you give it the configuration of your rocket, and the model shows various alternatives. Instead of 3 mansails I'd get more DV with one mainsail and two skippers? Should or should I not use a nuclear engine? Those are interesting questions to answer. I think that where the model gets interesting is when you quickly want to see how various configurations stack up against each other.
  19. The movie addresses that issue. Ridley Scott made the storm hit on sol 12, or maybe even 18 (I forgot), to quash complaints that there wouldn't be enough fertilizer available. In the movie, excrement is automatically placed in sealed bags (I guess to prevent bio contamination) and stored in a "bio hazard" container right outside the living quarters
  20. Not necessarily. He might just be an avid fan of the Friday night Squadcasts.
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