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The Fleet Master

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Posts posted by The Fleet Master

  1. Fleet master, try it against my destroyer in your craft thread.

    And I was designing combat vessels since the early days of the original zokesia skunkworks in 2012.

    I won't sit here and brag but I'm better with strategies and design than combat, If it's close range I'd probably win (Or free for all be ganged up on like I said). I like the variables in longer range combat.

  2. I'd like to actually work on a ruleset with spartwo when he gets on. I honestly like the ruleset now but it needs improved especially now.

    New Rules I hope:

    1. Maximum firing distance is 3km instead of the 2.5 (Out of render distance for lower end computers)

    2. Missiles can be guided in via probe core on the warhead (Don't know if he took that out, I heard he did)

    Those are basicly the main points here's another one I'll leave up to debate.

    3. With the lightest to heaviest craft rule if a Carriers fighters are the lightest craft they are the first to go.

  3. I follow the Honor System to death, Even against cheaters. The only time I'll ever quicksave and quickload is if I'm either Target Practicing or Testing Armour (Megalodon I didn't quickload, your ship was too big to miss even from 500m)

  4. So before my CPU over loaded and blue screened my Computer I did manage to hit it with one of my HAcc Missiles, The armouring is pretty good from what I got to test as most ships can't bounce my HAcc Missiles.



    After I switched to the firing vessel is when my Notebook fell over, Brb I'm going to try to Overclock the GPU

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