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The Fleet Master

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Posts posted by The Fleet Master

  1. What ever happened to your nautilus class or your helios class?

    The Britain (I Mispelled it as I named it at 3 in the morning) is basicly a Nautilus with upgraded armour and drop tanks, Same engine setup and design style. The Helios was Fallingintoblack's design so I let him keep it when Arcadia collapsed. Currently I have the Buzzfly Mk-II Medium Fighter and the Britain class Light Frigate as well as that un-named Destroyer test and a few experiments.

  2. And THIS. That whole thing is the reason I can't stand some of the moderators of this forum, They're too "busy" in other threads to open up another RP forum, It's more like they're too lazy to actually take care of it just like the last time. Now let's move on and get off this subject before someone gets banned. (Probably me.)

  3. My light frigates are still in testing, I wouldn't mind some battle testing Jenkens, I'll wait for you to set up. In the mean time I'm going to try to break my new destroyer armour :D



    Mind you the missile's I'm shooting at this can kill most capital ships and Dreks with ease!!! :D:D:D:D

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