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Everything posted by chuangatronic

  1. Very true, I want to see a better explanation too. It's also true the damage isn't fatal, I meant to say that the a fix isn't impossible but there has been a lot of damage done.
  2. I've been designing away the use of separation boosters as much as possible to keep part count down as long as simplify my launch profile. You can avoid problems with running just through simple design changes and spacing. (I've been losing launch efficiency recently because I've been getting into more serial staging, but I've been enjoying speedier launches due to the lower part counts)
  3. I'm pretty sure they're distancing themselves from the forum for a good reason if you look at the threads related to resources. We've been nothing but vapid, rabid fanboys that are entrenched in one camp or another. I joined here less than 6 months ago over the summer after discovering this wonderful game and I pretty much saw the forum turn from an okay place to gamefaqs in that short period of time. Too bad, but as LethalDose and others have implied, the damage is done. Feelings have been hurt and disappointment runs deep so we can't really "fix" this very easily. I just hope it all works out in the end and we get a game worth fighting over.
  4. I'm going to say this straight up. You're being childish and destructive to the community/developer relationship. I've seen a couple of your posts over the past couple days and they've been nothing but toxic. Project development sometimes means taking things in a different direction and letting your team walk away from something that isn't going to work out. I've had the rug pulled out from under my feet during projects and the results from the new direction come out just as good, if not better, than my vision. You can be disappointed in Squad, but you have to respect that they tried resources one way and was barking up the wrong tree. Let's just hope that they find a resources solution that they are satisfied with. You're kidding me right? The largest part of human space exploration is political posturing. Resource gathering has never been anywhere NEAR the forefront of space exploration until the recent commercialization of space flight. Yeah, people might claim asteroid capture as a theoretical stretch goal, but seriously? You'd be delusional to believe we could have space programs gathering extraplanetary resources in this generation. NASA doesn't even plan on manned mars flights until 2070 or something like that. Themohawkninja made a good point, this is future tech related so I guess resource exploration is perfectly plausible if you want to say so.
  5. I'm just going to say that this kind of behavior on the forums is what got Fez 2 cancelled and Phil Fish out of the industry. Think about that for a bit before you continue your holy crusade for resources.
  6. Oh boy what a fun read... Lets address a couple preconceived notions about the VAB/SPH from both perspectives... A) A user thinks the VAB/SPH is a magic box to fulfill their design whimsy. This is pretty much what every space agency does since the design engineers have no need to worry about part availability or design restrictions or manufacturing constraints (to a sane level). A user thinks that the VAB/SPH is like a custom ship akin to OCC or Gas Monkey Garage where they take off the shelf components to build customized rockets within a range of specifications. A shop like this is full of design constraints since it uses only standardized parts. Now let's look at the definition of tweaking. Tweaking by definition is the fine tuning of a system such as adjusting the throttle cable on the car or tire pressure in the tires. If you look at it that way, you can't tweak fuel capacity or fuel type of an already built tank; doing so would be incurring a major engineering change. Replacing liquid fuel with LOX would have to change the expander, cryogenic systems, etc. along with tank sizes. With the scope of tweaking in mind, it's easy to see the difference in degree between the mindsets of A and B. A is a design house, changing the fuel for the tank is just changing a number. This falls within tweaking semantically since it's just tweaking numbers before anything is sent to manufacture. The problem with this is that A has a severe level of abstraction that forgoes any engineering related to the fuel type, which is okay for project managers and system level engineering, but makes it a potential nightmare for component level engineering; a tweak of this level might mean redoing all your work. B is a custom assembly house, tweaking fuel capacity of a single fuel cell is impossible for B. The only way to manage this is to request a custom part or add more tanks to fit the need. As or right now, the VAB/SPH very much represents B in gameplay but has potential to be A (which it should strive for to a degree). Mods like Procedural Wings and Stretchy Tanks make the build process much closer to A but the nature of the game will likely stay in the realm of B to keep the barrier learning curve low enough for casual players. I think that something along the lines of Stretchy Tanks is perfectly feasible for stock game play, but that doesn't really fall under the title "tweakable". BTW: I very much would like procedural tanks over our current piecemeal design, but I am also very much aware procedural tanks is very far from what "tweakable" is or ever will be.
  7. Today I had to rescue Jeb from a botched science mission on the moon. The plan was to land, do one crater hop, and then return to Kerbin. It ended up that there wasn't enough dV due to a poorly done crater hop and Jeb ended up stranded in an eccentric orbit around the Mun after about 10 minutes of getting out and pushing. After getting tired of pushing, I sent Bill to pick up Jeb in orbit with a light Mun orbiter. The rendezvous was quick and Jeb made one last transmission from the stranded lander before abandoning ship in Munar orbit. Jeb and Bill returned to Kerbin with a splashdown in the middle of the ocean. MET was roughly 17 hours.
  8. Jsfalconero pretty much nailed it on the head for the most part. If you're docking to a part heavy system, the less disturbance the better. Also, try docking to an unmanned, unprobed, unpowered station, that's the worst...
  9. If you have to reorient the station you're doing it wrong. You have to be able to dock without RCS without reorienting your target also, otherwise it's a useless endeavor.
  10. I deorbited Jeb during EVA one time and he was really unhappy when the reentry heat started up.
  11. Kerbonautics Research Agency The KRA had been in existence for several centuries and was dedicated to the navigation of anything, really. Jebediah Kerman XLII, the 42nd generation Administrator and Chief of Operations, turned his aspirations to the stars after 41 generations of Jebediahs before him had conquered all aspects of navigation on Kerbin. On Kerbol 2042, Jebediah Kerman XLII made the executive decision to create a new division known as Celestial Kerbonetics Exploration and Navigation (CKEN)... KRA-CKEN operations began immediately and research on struts and boosters began immediately. The engineering for struts proved to be difficult and KRA-CKEN failed for many launches to find a way to affix struts to their rockets. In the meantime, KRA-CKEN decided to test Kerbal support, SCIENCE, and booster systems. Operations day 0: Jeb delivers paperwork for the official creation of KRA-CKEN, first launch Thundsday, 13 Jooltember, 2042 [09:00] Jebediah Kerman XLII presents the official preamble and mission statement of the Celestial Kerbonetics Exploration and Navigation devision to Vice Chief of Operations and Head of Navigational Systems Bill Kerman through ballistic delivery. Bill responds aptly with "Ow!" [09:01] Jebediah, Bill, and Bob find that R&D has dumped strange looking devices on the side of the road. [09:02] Aforementioned Kerbals assemble a new type of craft dubbed "Rocket". This new rocket is designated Kerbonetics Launch Research Vehicle #1 or KLR-1. Jeb volunteers to be test pilot. [09:03] Liftoff. [09:04] Catastrophic failure on subsystem: Solid rocket booster, overheat explosion [09:05] Catastrophic failure on subsystem: Solid rocket booster, overheat explosion [09:06] Catastrophic failure on subsystem: Solid rocket booster, overheat explosion [09:07] Catastrophic failure on subsystem: Solid rocket booster, overheat explosion [09:11] Maximum velocity reached, 831m/s. [09:12] Catastrophic failure on subsystem: RECORDING SYSTEM UNPLUGGED [09:28] Successful landing. Jeb comments "The black box is noisy, I unplugged it and ate all the snacks." Mission notes: -Air gets thinner as elevation rises -It's cold up there -Blowing up spent rockets makes the ship fly faster -Jebediah is still being monitored for suspicious activity after [REDACTED] comments about ******* and ******* equipment. Operations day 1: First orbit achieved! Major scientific milestone discovered: mysterious goo Freeday 12 Jooltember, 2042 [09:15] Bill Kerman notes that Jebediah Kerman XLII is late for work again. [10:00] Bob Kerman recruits 2 new Kerbonauts. [14:00] Jeb reports in, announces major breakthrough. Presentation at 16:00. [14:15] Bill submits official dissatisfaction of new ballistic document delivery protocol. [16:00] Jeb, Bill, Bob, Lemden Kerman, and Gregdorf Kerman convene in conference room RD-211 (Research and Development historical hall of SCIENCE) [16:01] Jeb presents mysterious goo. No one knows how to respond. Bill is visibly aggravated. [16:30] After much deliberation and engineering, KRA-CKEN creates the mysterious goo container. [16:53] Bob finds decoupler and some gas tanks along side of the VAB, decides it's a good idea to incorporate decoupling and staging parts into CKEN development. [17:00] KLR-2 is designated. 4 stages, 1 person to low Kerbin orbit (LKO), mysterious goo science module included. [18:00] KLR-2 taxied to launch pad, Jeb loses his supper. Bob recovers Jeb's supper significantly crushed by transport module tires. [18:05] Liftoff. [18:07] Successful decoupling of stage 1. [18:10] Successful decoupling of stage 2. [18:15] Successful decoupling of stage 3. [18:16] Officially left Kerbin atmosphere. [18:20] Achieved orbital velocity. [18:21] Observed mysterious goo, goo exhibits [REDACTED] [18:22] Jeb reports that 0 gee is 'one hell of a trip'. Attempts first ever EVA. [18:23] Jeb returns, stores EVA report into black box. [18:23] Catastrophic failure of subsystem: RECORDING SYSTEM UNPLUGGED. [18:30] RECORDING SYSTEM REESTABLISHED [18:36] Drogue chute deployed. [18:43] Parachute fully deployed. [21:20] Jeb and KRL-2 recovered. Snack level noted to be extremely low. Mission comments: -Jeb reprimanded for tampering with ********* -Orbital velocity is near 2200m/s -Staging is much smoother than explosive decoupling -Mysterious goo is now categorized under classified material. Further study required. -Snack store must be doubled for proper Kerbal support systems. -Space is cold and the atmosphere very much sits below space. Operations day 2: The Mun! Munday 9 Jooltember, 2042 [09:00] Jeb announces a press conference at [10:00] [10:00] Press conference starts, Jeb announces stability development, general rocketry development, survivability development, science development. [10:01] Bob submits official dissatisfaction of Jeb's announcements, claims that he discovered parts on the SPH runway. [10:15] Jeb wraps up press conference with official unveiling of KMM-1 Kerbonetics Munar Mission #1. Everyone flips out. [10:16] KMM-1 on launchpad with Jeb as test pilot. [10:17] Liftoff. Critical mission note: 43 minutes ahead of schedule. Bob and Bill facepalm. [10:32] Orbit insertion achieved. Comms operational, data stream received. Goo is [REDACTED], Samples show some signs of interaction in 0 gee, Jeb has already consumed 25% of available snacks. [12:33] Munar capture. Data stream received. Goo is glowing, samples have crashed around and interacted in interesting ways. snack level at 57%. [13:57] Munar surface touchdown. Data stream received. Goo is still glowing, samples interact with Mun dust, snack level at 36%. Jeb attempts EVA. [13:59] Jeb reports that the first ever Kerbal flag has been planted on a celestial body. "The first footfall of Kerbal kind is upon the Mun surface. Our first step to the stars with rockets and SCIENCE." Jeb returns from EVA [14:00] Munar liftoff. [22:13] Drogue chute deployed. [22:21] Parachute fully deployed. [23:00] Jeb and KMM-1 successfully recovered. Mission notes: -The Mun isn't too far off but it's dusty, very dusty. Also it has low surface gees and is fun to jump around on. -The Goo's glowing behavior is declassified, immediately submitted to textbooks and research papers. -Samples silently judge everything on Kerbin's surface. Operations day 3: Minimus! And more science!? Litheday 8 Jooltember, 2042 [10:00] Nominal operations prior, no incidents. Jeb begins new press release with flight control development, advanced rocketry development, general construction improvements. [10:30] Unveils KMIN-1, Kerbonetics Miminimus INsertion #1. Jeb don's suit in front of press, abruptly ends conference. [10:43] Jeb throws rotten Ponanas at reporters to get them to leave. Claims to have to make launch window by 10:45. [10:45] Liftoff. [11:00] Orbital insertion achieved, all systems nominal. Data stream recieved, Goo glowing and behaving as declassified, Samples glowing (suspected goo contamination), Jeb notes satisfaction at quietness of black box, snack level 98%. [11:05] Solar flare causes data blackout. Bill maintains visual and radar confirmation of KMIN-1. [17:13] KMIN radar confirmation lost at roughly 6700km, now below horizon. Jeb status put to UNCONFIRMED Operations day 4: The biggest breakthrough in Kerbal history happened today... Wohoday 7 Jooltember, 2042 [03:47] Recovery beacon signal received. 'Goodbye Jeb' celebration cancelled. 40 cakes returned. [10:00] Nominal operations prior. Jeb begins a keynote presentation with more than 5 new technologies including nuclear rockets, says he's saving the best development for last. [10:15] Jeb talks about history of KRA, struts, tape, navigation. Mentions that KRA went 7 generations without tape technology and 28 generations without strut technology. [10:16] Press incredibly excited, murmuring anticipated comments about "new strut technology". [10:18] Lights turn off. Jeb makes dramatic comment, "We've all been waiting for this... This is big... It'll change EVERYTHING you know about Kerbonautics." Audience holds baited breath. Cameras flashes can be heard charging. [10:18] Spotlight on Jeb holding NEW STRUT TECHNOLOGY. Audience goes wild with clapping and cheering. Many press members seen crying tears of joy. Hugs are being given all around. [10:20] Jeb ends keynote with announcement of NBES-1, Near Body Exploration System #1. Press doesn't care, asks about hands on with new struts. Jeb responds that there will be a demonstration and hands on at 10:30. [10:30] RD-115 is filled to capacity with press representatives. New strut technology deemed "Best thing since the invention of the crossbeam". [23:00] Press finally leaves KRA facilities. NBES-1 primed for launch. [23:01] Liftoff. [24:00] All systems report nominal, orbital insertion achieved at 23:10, data stream arriving late, Goo glowing but exhibits [REDACTED], Jeb clearly uncomfortable with new Goo situation, snacks at 32%, Samples in slight disarray. Mission Notes: -Minimus is really minty green. -The low gees are even more fun than the Mun -Strut technology achieved with Minimus crystalline particle synthesis. -There are now two flags on Minimus. Operations day 5: A turning point in Kerbin's battle for survival, new discovery can make new [REDACTED] Thundsday 6 Jooltember, 2042 [17:36] Jeb and NBES recovered. Goo thoroughly contained. Jeb sent to cantina to "decompress", debriefing delayed for [REDACTED] until Freeday 5 Jooltember, 2042. Operations suspended until 09:00. Operations day 6: Freeday 5 Jooltember, 2042 [09:00] Jeb debriefed and is taking contained Goo sampled to Duna for [REDACTED]. All new science dubbed CLASSIFIED for public safety. [10:00] NBES-1D primed for launch. Jeb makes preparations for 450 day mission. [11:00] Launch window achieved, liftoff. [11:02] CRITICAL WARNING: Goo container temperature outside nominal range. [11:02] CRITICAL WARNING: Stability systems two axis gimbal lock. [11:02] CRITICAL WARNING: Jeb body temperature 5 degree increase. Heart rate decrease 5%. [11:04] Booster stage jettisoned, core boosters stabilized. System temperature returned to nominal. [11:20] Orbital insertion, data stream received. Goo nominal, Jeb heart rate stabilized, samples clean of goo contamination, NERVA stable. [11:21] Final check finished, transfer burn started. Jeb leaves one last audio/visual message before latency prevents reliable A/V comms. Operations day 58: Mundsday 20 Tylember, 2042 [12:00] Transmission Recieved: Goo is nominal. Snacks at 82%. Jeb is healthy. [13:13] EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION: Goo has escaped containment. Snacks 60% due to contamination. Contaminated snacks jettisoned. Goo has been recontained with samples. Samples module now isolated and sealed. Jeb reported faintness and seeing "bright spots under eyelids" after incident. Operations day 97: Freeday 18 Eveuary, 2042 [05:01] Report from NBES-1D, Duna capture achieved! Attempted aerocapture for lower orbit and succeeded with a 78km x 79km orbit after circularization. [06:22] Report from NBES-1D, lander touchdown on Duna. Goo and samples observed for first time, materials noted to be [REDACTED] and should not ever be [REDACTED]. Classified information on Goo samples should be moved to ********* for permanent security measures. Duna surface where Goo contacted seen to be growing [REDACTED]. Jeb reported EVA suit breach on glove from encounter with [REDACTED]. Jeb made emergency countermeasures and amputated 3rd finger. No blood contamination. Flag placed. [07:00] Report from NBES-1D, Jeb has opted for immediate liftoff and orbital insertion to parking orbit. Judged safer than spending 240 days on surface to secure Goo site due to [REDACTED] behaviors 30 minutes after observation. [07:05] Rapid orbital insertion achieved. Redocked with NERVA transfer stage. [08:00] Report from NBES-1D, Jeb has opted for parking orbit at Ike. Operations day 337: [12:00] Report from NBES-1D, Jeb healthy, no signs of Goo contamination. Ike is boring, snacks at 27% within acceptable parameters. Beginning return transfer... "See you home soon." Operations day 456: [03:22] Entered Kerbin SOI. [23:01] Aerocapture successful. Second pass will degrade orbit to landing in desert region. Operations day 457: [07:23] NBES-1D has entered the atmosphere. All systems nominal. [07:37] Drogue chutes deployed. [07:50] Parachutes fully deployed. [16:00] Jeb and NBES-1D recovered. Mission Notes: -Long term exposure to weightlessness has no effect on Kerbal biology. -Duna is really red. Duna has a thin atmosphere. Duna has supported goo-like [REDACTED] -Mission days 58 to 91 require a LM555 level clearance to view. -Mission days 204 to 273 require alpha delta omega clearance level 0 to review. -Mission specs and contents aside from reported are strictly TOP SECRET. KRA-CKEN has now been upgraded to a full agency under the control of the Kerbin United Coalition for the safety of all Kerbal kind.
  12. I went after my third mission landing on a non-Kerbin celestial body. Total missions was 1 sub-orbital, 1 orbital, 1 mun landing, 2 minimus landing (the 2nd minimus mission was just to test new my rocket build). My first 5 missions were enough to get me nukes, skippers, struts, batteries, docking ports, and solar panels. It could have been done with less but I preferred the convenience of having enough dV to allow for mistakes.
  13. I've become a huge believer in lithobraking all stages. I've sent 2 missions to the Mun and 2 missions to Minimus with early tech stages and all I do is crash my spent stages into my target planet and then adjust my trajectory for circular orbit. My biggest problem is that my upper launch stages decouple at a 100km x 60km orbit but I can't just let my the debris orbit decay in time warp. I pretty much have to watch each individual piece of debris crash into Kerbin. I noticed that unless I'm actively watching the debris, there is no aerodynamic drag to aerobrake.
  14. I only managed 554 science points for a Minimus mission without transmissions included... does the Mun hold more science value or do you just send up a ton of science?
  15. So... how many people have successfully left Kerbol SOI WITHOUT encountering a kraken attack?
  16. I had to decide between any of the bodies with an atmosphere because aerocapture is just so statisfying when you do it right. I ended up deciding on Duna over the rest because it's more fun than challenging. It's more accessible and when you do mess up it's much less frustrating.
  17. I wouldn't necessarily say it's hard to land on the moon either. I first started out straight vertical descents but now I pretty much approach at any angle I want depending on how I reach my objective. I really think it's more of an issue of experience than anything.
  18. My problem was a lot like yours Spyritdragon. As I was driving up towards the stranded lander, it somehow disappeared below the surface and was stuck there unable to do anything. I ended up just destroying the lander in the tracking station and losing Philming. Thanks for the help though.
  19. I stranded one of my mun landers in a botched landing and when I sent my rescue party out to it I found out the lander, debris, and flag I planted ended up glitching 100m under the Mun surface. I was wondering if there is any way to possibly fix it or do I have to destroy the debris and lose one of my kerbals?
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