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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've never installed any of the mods. This isn't because I'm a purist or anything, I'm just lazy
  2. 1. Visiting planets and retrieving science from them should feel like more of a permanent accomplishment (statues to Kerbonauts or something?) 2. Big new challenges are need. Basically the only way I can see of introducing these is a new gas giant. 3. There needs to be procedural craters/landscape for all planets/moons just as there is for Mun. Finally, you're right that there needs to be Life Support in-game somehow. It just shouldn't be so limited as to be totally restrictive.
  3. I was interested when I first heard of it, but everything I saw when I looked into it raised massive warning flags - 2500 USD pay-to-win features (what idiot paid for these?), tens millions raised from contributors over years of dev-time with still no real delivery: it has some of the flavour of a cult or pyramid scam, but obviously not as bad. DayZ kind of perplexes me. I was a big fan of ARMA and ARMA 2, despite their obvious, glaring, massive faults they clearly had potential (which wasn't realised due to crappy AI, poor mission-design, spammy in-game warnings, and terribly, terribly ropey control systems), but they're the last game I would try to base an FPS/MMORPG on, even if the original mod came from there. I really don't get how it ended up blowing up like it did: I mean, at the very least, how did it sell more than ARMA? Anyone who bought into it got a raw deal - the game won't be complete until 2016, by which time the underlying base-game will be 7 years old.
  4. I was getting close with my 0.25 game, until that got nuked by the update to 0.90 - everything I'd previously launched before the update became uncontrollable, including the mission to Jool I'd put vast amounts of work in to. Now I can't be bothered to start again (I refuse to play a game in which Kerbals get killed, and they will die if I try to carry on my 0.25 game) until the game at least reaches a stable 1.0
  5. DayZ has actually become an "old" game whilst still in development, which is pretty unbelievable IMHO. Still, not as bad as Star Citizen, which is still milking punters for money without having actually delivered anything yet.
  6. KSP is a WIP, I know, but it's pretty pointless having high resolution settings (which look great BTW) which cannot be used because the UI elements become microscopic. As an example, here's the graphic selection menu:
  7. Bought a new laptop with a souped-up GFX card, KSP runs like a dream with all graphics settings at max, but the UI icons at high resolutions are almost too small to work with, particularly when trying to select parts in the construction UI. PS - arguably this is a bug, so if you think it belongs more in the support section feel free to move it over.
  8. 1) Closest approach markers should ALWAYS BE SHOWN - I don't know why the game only shows them under certain circumstances. 2) Fixing the blinking encounter marker when more than one encounter is predicted. 3) Biomes for everyone! 4) Radar mapping of planets. 5) Implement an in-game radar/laser altimeter so you know your real altitude.
  9. How about: 1) A black hole called "Nemesis" beyond the orbit of Eeloo (say, 150 million KM orbit around the sun), visible only by the micro-lensing of background stars/objects. 2) A long-cycle comet called "Kerlley's Comet" - if geysers can be modelled, then the out-gushing of material from fisures and vents in a comet can also be modelled. 3) A group of asteroids in close formation - say, 4-5 asteroids each 4-5KM across each about a dozen KM apart in a complex dance around a common centre. 4) Icy dwarf planets like the TNOs. 5) Many more asteroids with orbits between Duna and Jool - let's have a real asteroid belt.
  10. I'm interested to know the answer to this one - I managed to mess up a Minimus expedition and leave the three pilots stranded there. I've sent a three-seater with a single pilot to pick them up, and I'm wondering if I can't get the extra Kerbal just to hold on the outside ladder during re-entry.
  11. Mapping radars (with some kind of saved read-out), telescopes.
  12. Yeah, assembly can be frustrating. Better zoom controls are needed. Especially with wide designs you end up having to work (in game terms) with pieces that are right against your face.
  13. Noobishly, I launched a capsule into what I thought would be a Project Mercury-style sub-orbital lob with recovery by parachute, but managed to over-shoot and send the capsule into a elliptic orbital with a periapsis of ~56 Km. The capsule does not have an rockets that would allow it to de-orbit, all it has is a parachute. It's seemingly too high for the parachute to deploy properly, but it's low enough that the atmospheric pressure-meter does tick up a bit towards the periapsis. Apoapsis is around the 550 Km mark. Will this orbit decay, bringing my Kerbonaut safely back to the ground, or is he stuck in space? I was sure that 56 Km was too low for a stable orbit, but after 4-5 orbits I haven't seen any decay. Am thinking about building a space plane to bring the poor guy back.
  14. Bought KSP last Saturday after reading about it in an XKCD strip, then literally played for 12 hours straight. It's like some kind of fiendishly addictive drug. My fiance came back from the hospital where she was on duty (she's a doctor) and found I had forgotten to do all the house-work I had promised to do. Telling her that I was busy working on getting my satellite into orbit around the Mun for some reason didn't seem to impress her! I fear KSP will destroy my life and I'll be reduced to selling all my valuables in order to keep my habit going. Is there no escape?
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