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Everything posted by MrTheBull

  1. So, nothke, how long your paperwork will be? Can we expect build 2 today?
  2. So. okay. I had changed my plans. Update PPTS with new colliders and some new textures* lights Apollo CSM release Angara Different variants of soyuz (dragon's request) Venera? Opsek Here is the progress.
  3. I'll create Anraga. Then i'll think about Rus-m, energia and etc. now what do you want i create? Soyuz like on those photos?
  4. Emmm.Angara and rus-m are the same things?? Because i'm creating angara which use RD-191 on 1rst and second stages. Any way. cool pictures you found. This Soyuz looks so old school)
  5. landingsystem is not quite well. It can start works on the escape Kerbin trajectory =) i don't know about using it. What's about lights - i'll add it in next update..
  6. Oh... brbrbrbr! I'll go crazy!!!! Is this really screenshot?
  7. I like it. Can you give me all files? I'll write you in PM and give my email. ok?
  8. Oh...shiiiii.. this is amazing. I should try this. His RD191 it's his RD. I want to create my own for my ANGARA add-on Hmm. i don't know. sorry.
  9. Yeah. It's will be interesting.
  10. I'm trying to create RD-191, but now it looks like a **** I found some more photos and going to recreate it.
  11. Hmm. Never noticed. But bobcat's soyuz has vzor. But PTK np doesn't have it.
  12. i get it. But i really don't know how to do this. And what do you mean? Window or what?
  13. My plans on future: Update PPTS with new colliders and some new textures Apollo CSM release Different variants of soyuz (dragon's request) Angara? Venera? Opsek
  14. Oh. very good news. I hope soon we can back to black skyboxes)) So we should look on Iannic-ann-od thread? And wait for news about this mod?
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