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Everything posted by pxi

  1. I remember having to do this with Norton Commander a few times back in the day too. Fortunately we were copying stuff in the orders of tens of MB. Even so, it still took a while.
  2. Hi, couple of things that stick out without actually installing the mod: You're bundling an outdated version of ModuleManager, also mediafire links are discouraged on the forums. I can't speak as to the version of Kopernicus that's included as I don't have the current version here to compare. EDIT: At a guess, it appears the mod is compatible with 1.1.3, but not 1.2.
  3. This is not untrue, I still find the outcry a little strange however. I more see it as bit of whimsy that serves a purpose, even if it conveys what it conveys in an obscure fashion. This is a game where little green people go to their firey deaths while grinning like loons. I don't find that nyancat's temporary inclusion in the loading screen via an optional component distracts me too much from that. In fact I plan to use the -nyan-nyan switch come November as a constant reminder of these events.
  4. Could come down to differences in what we do, but I've been able to amalgamate most every tool I'd require a live disk for within a single bootable copy of linux. If/when I need another it's quite easy to add it. Price is a fair point, but I find the convenience worth the trade-off.
  5. Because booting from a USB stick isn't a thing? Speaking as an IT tech person, DVD media is an option of last resort - at least it is in our neck of the woods. We still have them obviously, same as we still keep old floppy drives, but we tend not to use them.
  6. Sarbian could put something like "ModuleManager 2.7.1 (1.2 Pre-Release Version)" into the rainbow I guess... I can't believe something so small is causing such a kerfuffle honestly. EDIT: Seems someone doesn't like people linking to their stuff, so just imagine a nyancat-themed "keep calm and..." meme here.
  7. A new PCI ethernet card will likely cost you less than a decent-capacity USB stick these days. If it were me I'd be trying a live linux distro to verify that the onboard ethernet really is broken, and not a driver issue, but then if it were me and I were transferring files as you describe, I'd probably take the hard disk out of the laptop, put it in a USB caddy, and transfer it that way. The only upside of using CD/DVD's to transfer files is you are making a backup of your files as you go, so I suppose there is that.
  8. TBH I can think of few things that are more toxic to this community than someone attempting to *ahem* speed up the release of a mod via pestering the author. One of the things I find most annoying in my professional life, is when something requires fixing and being interrupted constantly by people asking 'Is it fixed yet?' 'When will it be fixed?' 'Why isn't it fixed yet?' and so on. Not only is it annoying, but it takes time away from actually fixing the issue. I'm expected to tolerate this, and I do, because after all, I am being paid to do it. Contrast that with the mod authors we have in this community who are doing what they do, seemingly for little else other than kudos. If they would prefer that we simply wait for them to release updates when their schedule permits, that seems like the bare minimum that we as a community owe them.
  9. My chosen religion is Mechjeb, because I like it. Nonetheless, the fact that we can choose to use MJ, KER, or neither is fantastic, because fundamentally having options is wonderful.
  10. Seems to resolve fine checking with nslookup over here. I have my DNS set to query Google's DNS servers ( and which tend to be more up to date than my local ISP.
  11. There was a time when you could simply press 'cancel' to circumvent the login password because the login password only related to the workgroup. Things have at least improved beyond that.
  12. Hyperbolic title it seems. I'd love to see Hello Games be forced to issue refunds of 50% of the RRP personally. Frankly I'd be amazed if they make another game under their current incarnation - more likely you'll see the company quietly dissolved and the devs popping up under a new guise. Moreso, they've basically made most of the cash they are going to make from NMS at this point, so it doesn't really matter if the ads are pulled or not. So the only entity I'd see being affected long-term by official censure would be Valve, which wouldn't be entirely terrible, but frankly I don't really see Valve as the bad guy in this particular instance. I'd much prefer to see Hello Games hit in a way that would actually hurt them. EDIT: (I actually liked ME3 despite the 3-colour ending.)
  13. Definitely enjoyed it myself, though I only managed to get the bad ending. On a slight tangent, I kept encountering odd graphical errors throughout the game - polygons stretching off to infinity and the like. I was fairly convinced my graphics card was on the way out, but when I mentioned it to people I knew, I was told, "naah it's just the game is the most buggy piece of crap ever released." Well, a couple of weeks later things had progressed to the BIOS screen looking like it was christmas, what with random coloured pixels everywhere, and I finally felt fully justified in dropping the cash on a new card. I genuinely don't remember encountering many actual bugs in the game, despite the reputation it had.
  14. @monstah see this at about the 1m05s mark.
  15. Thing is, the ASA doesn't have a huge amount of teeth. It can have an ad pulled, but that's about the extent of it afaik. The 'sanctions' alluded to would seem to be a referral to Trading Standards (see this leaflet), and would only come into play if Hello Games were to keep acting contrary to the direction of the ASA, which frankly they would have to be insane to do. Of course, Trading Standards might still choose to get involved regardless, which would be an outcome I'd frankly welcome. What I find most interesting is how Valve have been dragged into this (based on the ads on the NMS steam page) but no mention of Sony, who are listed as Co-Publishers and should to my mind, share some of the responsibility for any false claims made by Hello Games. As for KSP, regardless of how the game launched, I don't think it's even remotely in the same league as NMS. I don't think Squad's going to be loosing any sleep over this.
  16. I've seen some fairly heated debates on the forums, but as a community, I've always had the sense that if we were to meet in real life we could still enjoy a few beverages.
  17. Maybe something like http://www.guidingtech.com/8848/use-vlc-player-to-convert-videos-from-one-format-to-another/ ?
  18. Literally the worst that can happen is they say no, which leaves you no worse off than you were before. On the other hand, they could say yes.
  19. Well, as the saying goes; if you don't ask, you don't get.
  20. You negotiate with the rights-holder for permission to use their IP. Happens all the time.
  21. I'm not sure I'd reach the same conclusion. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use: About the only thing in there that sounds even close is the parody clause. But I don't think that's what we're discussing here. There's been a history of IP-holders tolerating non-profit fan content, but that doesn't mean that it's legally protected. Look at what Paramount has stipulated for Star Trek, and Nintendo's reaction to literally anything that references their IP for examples of what I'm talking about.
  22. Well, I would apply that principle to more than just Flat-Earth proponents.
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