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  1. Feels a bit cruel to keep dunking but I gotta ask - did the "...test like crazy... huge amount of QA bandwidth..." not pick up on any of this before release? Did they not notice the KSC tagging along on orbital excursions, or rockets falling to a pile of pieces and falling through the VAB floor, or the frame rate cratering everytime the camera pointed at terrain? Because it feels disappointing that every review, every stream, every preview, couldn't help but fallover these bugs but the "huge amount of QA bandwidth" missed them?
  2. Not sure I'm adding anything to repeat what has likely already been said a hundred times, but adding my disappointment that my computer which makes Cyberpunk & Forza 5 look amazing, can track the movements of millions of moving parts in Factorio mega factories, fly around the world in MS Flight Sim, and has provided thousands of hours of entertainment in KSP1 won't even hit the minimum specs for KSP2. Not angry about it, it just is what it is. It's turned a day one purchase (even at that ~€50 price point) into either a months-from-now purchase when minimum reqs are tuned down, or a years-from-now-on-deep-sale purchase when I next upgrade. Wish the devs and the game the very best of luck, bit sad I'll be wishing from the sidelines this time.
  3. not sure if it's the one you're thinking of, but atomic rockets - http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/ - has huge resources kinda primarily aimed at sci-fi writers covering in great detail all sorts of propulsion techs & rocket design (as well as typical sci fi tropes of time travel paradox etc) geocities era website design is jarring, but a badge of authentic nerdiness :)
  4. If it is a Firefly reference then KSP is going to be a very different game if Jeb risks capture by Reavers every trip to Duna
  5. https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/en/?page_id=499 - is likely to answer some of your questions edit: and now I see you linked that very page, and - well - the QA engineer listing doesn't particularly include any coding requirements in the same way other positions listed there do, so I think that may answer your question
  6. Reaction wheels + SAS modes are another thing to try playing with - the default setting, as you note can cause the A/D keys to roll, but you can click through SAS modes and one of them (think "Pilot", can't remember) helps to maintain some stability without inducing roll or pitch. edit: some other tips - disable steering on the rear wheels as a way of restricting turning, and setting much lower braking force on the front wheels than the rear to ensure your rover tends to lock up and drag under braking rather than flip. And yeah, much lower speed - unfortunately to the point where roving any distance becomes more a chore than a joy, but yeah, 10m/s is ~22mph and already double that tried on the Moon.
  7. Haven't checked on 1.4x but the space center rendering has long been a bit odd - i reported this two years ago, the R&D screen and Mission Control screen both being significantly, and measurably, more stressful than the VAB/SPH hangars: Now like I say, I haven't tested this in 1.4, I'm pretty sure it still existed in 1.3, but it might prove a useful technique for identifying the cause of the problem and quantifying it - ie run a GPU monitoring app and just log some data. The graph above has me sat in the VAB doing nothing, flipping halfway to sitting in the R&D doing nothing. The graphs show this imparted some quantifiable extra stress.
  8. It's not the laser focused streamlined option I sense you're after, but Kerbal Engineer Redux has - among its multitude of other features - a terrain altimeter. The HUD overlay can be customised to just about any requirements, including height, and vertical/horizontal velocity.
  9. Interested as to folks preferences of multi-port docking versus hacking a port part to restrict to certain angle snaps - think @5thHorseman wrote this hack into a module manager script, and I think I've seen it implemented in parts by RoverDude, Nertea, and others. Advantages/disadvantages? Strength/angle precision/aesthetics? Glad to hear multi-port is working again though, in the past it seemed to go squiffy after every other patch.
  10. Clearly cartilaginous - the g-forces vast numbers of their species are regularly subjected to by incompetent rocket scientists* surely forgoes any bone based skeletal structure. They must be flame retardant too because.... well let's just say we've extensively tested this. Perhaps some kind of organochloride physiologoy. And (most of them) are extremely happy. Like, all the time. So. Earth. Summer of Love. 1967. Lots of lazing about in music festival fields reduced the evolutionary pressures for a rigid skeleton. At the same time a surfeit of joss-sticks advantaged selection for fire retardation, and an abundance of THC imparts care free fun into the atmosphere. Lunar Orbiters 3,4, & 5 distribute this chemical soup off-world. Kerbals evolve. They multiply. They explore, and they explode (in hilarious ways). You want to know where Kerbals came from? Look in the mirror! (or ask your parents) (or your grandparents) * that'd be me. And you. Yeah you heard me. You monster. How many kerbals have you exploded today?
  11. Frequently, almost always, I'll look to tweak thrust to weight - it is, perhaps, unfortunate, that we must rely on mods (or maths) to inform us of this. Too much TWR can result in a rocket un-inclined to tip over. Too much TWR means an over heavy engine which could be replaced with something more modest resulting in more DV. Only really tune down TWR when alternate engine choices aren't available or if the margins are so slim it makes sense. Generally aim to have no more than 1.8 TWR at launch, try for a smooth path to 45 degrees & mach 1 at 10km, 30 degrees by 30km and fall to, but no lower than, 20 degrees thereafter through the atmosphere.
  12. Honestly good news. KSP is undoubtedly my most played game of all time. And I'm getting on a bit now - my next most played game was loaded from cassette tape. Yet this iteration has felt for a while like it's nearing the end of its course. Increasingly, the future improvements we'd like would be realistically best implemented by dumping the codebase and starting again. We will always have KSP. This announcement increases the likelihood of KSP2. And equally it increases the likelihood of other devs and publishers taking a look at the genre this amazing game has pioneered and realising spinning up their own takes on it can be commercially viable. From a purely selfish consumer perspective, more KSP, or KSP-like games is always going to be a good thing. From a more empathetic perspective, I do hope Felipe/Harvester got a good deal out of all this and didn't leave just to see his baby sold behind his back - but frankly that's entirely none of my business.
  13. Possible - likely - culprit will be as a result of upgrading an earlier modded install. Earlier ModuleManager.dll versions - installed in the root of your /GameData folder have been mentioned a few times as being particularly fighty.
  14. Wow I've no doubt it's possible to infer all manner of drama, but in the spirit of "the simplest explanation is the most likely", if a bunch of people who'd worked on something cool for a long time began to burn out and so went off to make something else cool someplace else then that can only be a good thing. The world needs more cool toys.
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