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Everything posted by Dimetime35c

  1. These are so cool. Love that I can use fewer parts on my stations. Could you next take on some actual station parts to go with these? Like maybe add some solar panels or things that stock KSP is lacking to make compact low part count space stations?
  2. I like the idea:) only question how much lag do you get if you don't use a texture pack reducer? And which pack do you recommend to use to reduce? Which is the best?
  3. Okay with all the upgrades and updates sense KSP was first released. What do you think the final build of the game will look like? Do you think we will see more NASA backed add ons, maybe othe private companies will want packs to like SpaceX. I think the start of NASA's involvement with KSP has only just begun.
  4. Okay I'm starting to crash on load, I have a few mods but there biggish. I don't want to wipe and lose all my science progress. Is there a way to like end all flights then wipe the game and reinstall it but keep the science progress I have? Like would removing mods from an exsisting files save corrupt the data? Kinda confusing if you need more clarification ill edit it in.
  5. This is NOT a when will it be released thread! It's more a where thread. I'm not sure where to find the actual like date/info. Like will a thread be made on the dev section on the forum, or will there be a blog post, or dev tweet? The only reason I knew any update was released was seeing posts on the forum about questions relating to them. How long they were live before that point is anyone's guess. Finally where can I find like up to the date info on KSP? Would a dev tweet be the best option?
  6. Okay quick question. Is there a way to have the parts but keep them using like stock parameters? I'd like to get more plane parts but I've heard specs like FAR make flying SSTOs much harder. Can the stock specs be kept or no?
  7. As the one that posted the topic please stay on track. Thanks admin for cleaning and monitoring the thread.
  8. does this still work in .23 and if so how much does the quality of the parts drop? like will it reduce them to the point they look muddy and you cant really see any detail?
  9. okay so we know that NASA has asked the KSP team to add there asteroid mission. What if anything do you think will be planned in the future? i think both parties can gain so much from this partnership. The KSP team could maybe gain some more money and dev help from partnering with NASA. NASA can gain a platform to get the public excited about space again. Being real NASA doesnt make the most interesting games and they also dont market them very well if at all. i really hope that both parties will decide to team up and work together to develop the game with maybe a like official game of NASA stamp or there endorsement on it. what are your guys thoughts on it?
  10. okay i have another question on the NASA pack. did NASA help with this pack at all? like how did KSP get the permission if they did to use the NASA logo on parts or the names of different systems. if they did work with NASA will we see the KSP team teaming up with them in the future? cause honestly that would be a match made in heaven. NASA could really use the PR support KSP could give them to get more people excited about space again.
  11. Okay is the NASA pack going to be free or is it going to be a add on? I'm just a bit confused by its name Pack. In my mind a pack is added content and not included in the base game. Hoping its free. Please squad make it free;)
  12. Are you trying to complain bout the bugs? If you are lets see you release a game as complex as KSP and then release each update totally bug free. Sense according to you it is easy to do.
  13. When it's done. Not a momment before. The reply should have been when will this thread be locked??
  14. Okay been hearing bout these on the forum. What the hell are they and how stable/crashproof are they? From my understanding they cause a glitch in the game to make the ship go faster then intended. If so how stable is it? Is there a chance by using the drive you'll crash your KSP and or corrupt the save file?
  15. How'd everyone hear bout this game? I saw YouTube vids and thought I could make a better rocket then them so here I am. Lol
  16. I can dock but I prefer to use mechjeb to do it. If your having trouble with the actual met up process I'd say use mech. But use the manual met up option. It will walk you step by step through the whole burns and nodes. Once you have that down you can start doing it without enabling the mechjeb helpers. I found that was best for me cause it felt like I had someone there walking through it with me that explained what burn happens when and why it's needed.
  17. Okay I've been wondering. What is the actual process that is used to create a update to the game? Say .23 cause from an outsiders point of view how would you pick what to tackle, I'd try and do everything that needed doing and never get an update out.
  18. Okay question. Do the saber pre coolers actually do anything or are they kinda just for show? I use them on some craft and always wondered of they really work or if they are just for show?
  19. Okay so I've been wondering. Would upgrading your pc really help reduce in game lag on KSP or sense the game is capped at 2gb ram would it not really have much of an effect? Would going beyond adding more RAM really make a difference?
  20. Okay so I asked earlier if we will have to rebuy the game once it goes 1.0. I can't find info on weather those who bought it through steam will have to. I bought through steam so I'm not sure if there policy is different then if I bought it directly.
  21. Okay I'm a bit confused. When KSP does finally go for the release of version 1.0 and is released will we have to buy the game again or sense we bought it in alpha/beta we will not have to pay? Also I've seen some people on other threads talking about a NASA pack. Does this exsist and if so what is it exactly. I don't keep up with KSP dev news and I'm not sure were to even find that info at.
  22. Just agreeing with what everyone else is saying. As you get higher the air gets to thin to hold your plane up. Its the same thing in real life. That's why high altitude planes have REALLY long wings. It helps to reduce the amount of lift they lose at high altitude. You could also enable the RCS to try and help hold the climb.
  23. Is there a way you could break up this pack a little? Like offer a pack with just the shuttle or just the Jupiter system? I'd like to use the pack but I know I'd never use some of the parts and need all the RAM space I can get.
  24. Is Jupiter a planned space craft or is it an actual system NASA is going to use? Don't really fallow the new replacement for the shuttle to closely.
  25. Saw another thread asking what if KSP would run on the frostbite engine. Well I wanna one up it imagine if it were to run on the crysis engine? What you think the game could look like with the most powerful graphics/physics engine available??
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