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Everything posted by Dimetime35c

  1. ive seen his vids and honestly i would be fine with him playing it as long as he didnt record it. part of me would want him to cause it would help bring the game into more mainstream and anything that promotes the game is great in my book. however to be real. 99.9% of his community wouldnt be able to understand the game and wouldnt know how to play it. theyd most likely get board with the game with in a day. the only good that id see coming from him recording it would be the possibility of the vid getting on the front page of youtube and people going KSP hmm whats this game. then doing more and trying the game themselves.
  2. Ok so I've played for bout a month now. Gotten the hang of the basics for the most part. Now I'm moving into more advance stuff and I'm not understanding what the info mechjeb is telling me when I use vessel info. What does the max thrust in KN mean? I'm not understanding why when I make a rocket that's only 100 ton or whatever the measure is and my max thrust is over 5000 why it's so slow lifting off. What does the TWR mean? When it says 1.45 what does that really mean??? Any advice would really help. Please try and keep the answers in simple terms. Not that good at the math part of rocketry.
  3. what mod are those struts you have connecting the solar wings together from? ive been looking for struts that look like that.
  4. i know this has probably been asked already many times. but what would you like to see in ksp? id like to see if possible weather effects. like thunderstorms and rain and stuff. or at least some form of wind that would effect the way the rocket/planes fly in the atmosphere. it would be cool to launch a rocket in the middle of a thunderstorm and like have it get hit by lightning that would like maybe knock out your SAS for a while or something like that. just a thought, wondering what everyone else would like to see.
  5. umm whe i downloaded the file all it has is engines? is this right? or is the spaceport file missing pieces? im confused, do i need both the old kw and this one or just this download? i was expecting things like fuel tanks and more stuff the just engines
  6. Yeah that does, okay so basically even if i upgrade the ram it's not going to help sense the game can't talk to more the 4gb of it.
  7. Okay so we know the update is coming. But when it finally does drop will it break all the mods until the mod devs update them? How do updates effect mods anyway?
  8. Okay so I've been wondering what do the crashes and error messages actually mean? When it says out of memory what does it mean? I understand that the game runs 4gb of ram. I have 8, how can I be out of memory?? Is it referring to my hard drive? What parts of the pc does KSP actually use when running?? I'm new to programming and find it very interesting so please try and keep answers in not to technical terms.
  9. can i have the download for the shuttle? ive been looking for something like that to use to help build my station
  10. I'm just wondering how both 32 and 64 bit actually work when applied to KSP. So 32 can only use 4GB of RAM where as 64 bit seems to have an unlimited RAM use. Why is that? What makes it different? Just someone that knows almost 0 when it comes to programming. I know hardware like CPU, RAM, Ect. I know how to build a PC but when it comes to the actual game programs I don't know much. All I know is more RAM = faster load times and more power.
  11. Okay I'm still a bit confused here. So 64bit increases the RAM? What does it even mean when a game runs in 32 or 64 bit? What's the actual hardware that the game uses?
  12. Okay I'm kinda confused here. Why does everyone always ask about KSP upgrading to 64bit? What does that even mean??? I have very little programming knowledge so I don't really understand how that would help the game run better. Could someone explain what the difference would even be?
  13. post i pic of the craziest thing youve build. can be modded or unmodded. just want to see what the craziest thing people have built on this game
  14. wanted to ask everyone how do you build your KSP creations? do you just get an idea in your head and try and build it, do you set out with a goal like build X to get to Y, do you try and recreate something youve seen or read about, or do you just start up the game with no idea what so ever then just do whatever happens to come to mind?
  15. i cant remember what mod the lights from but one has this really tiny but really bright led light. I put a bunch of those on it and it works great
  16. okay i need help designing a crane system for my space station. ive had an idea of using the cupola as the cab and having an arm mounted on top of it. but that doesnt really work cause i cant launch it like that. any ideas on how to either build something better or launch the idea i already have. also i had an idea of using docking ports on the cupola so i can use different types of arms. like the ISS arm and the Braun arm. any ideas would be nice. again either the way to launch my idea or a better idea update i got the arm on my station. i used the cupola and just launched it off a rocket. only trouble is i cant move the cupola around using the arm without the whole station moving. any ideas on that?
  17. i like this craft. ive modified it a bit on my game to have mechjeb and more powerful lights.
  18. Umm last time I downloaded that soviet pack I got the same error message of missing MIR ASAS. Sorry if this is stupid. I'm still new and trying to figure out all the KSP mods and how to find them.
  19. ive downloaded the iss from the spaceport and its missing a MIR thing. i cant remember what its called. i think its the ASAS part. where do i find it? id really like to download the ISS and build it. also is there a building guide? ive looked at the parts and i cant figure out how they go together. could you maybe include like a number next to the parts to indicate which part goes first and so on?
  20. very nice way to give him help... that was totally not needed. just saying what does that have to do with the topic. lets try and stick with the topic at hand and not attack others simply for a poor quality photo
  21. will this mod only work for a ipod/ipad to apple pc? or can you use it with any type of pc? i use a dell. would the app work with my pc or is it only apple to apple?
  22. I have a question, seeing as I never use any of the none flat ended units would it help my lag issues if I was to delete them? Would the mod still function wit only the flat end parts in? Love your mod but it is a bit lag heavy when I build big spacestations. Trying to figure out how to help that.
  23. Wrong forum and repeat thread.. Please move or to space craft exchange or delete.
  24. so basically even ludicrous speed wont even get you there???
  25. currently most of the worlds countries have agreed to a treaty that states no country will place or operate a space based weapon system in earth orbit. personally i agree with that treaty. space is NOT a place we need to be using as a weapons platform. yeah space battles are cool in movies. but in real life space is a much better place to be finding answers to problems on earth and advancing science. not using to find new ways to kill each other.
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