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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. It's false. Normally, you'd use grayscale for anything else than visible light, but in some cases certain wavelengths are given colors to distinguish differences. True. I don't know why people think of it as "crude oil heaven". It has no connection with heavy hydrocarbons at all. Light hydrocarbons have either no smell at all or they have an etheral smell of butane/pentane isomers. Other scents come from nitriles and alike, though at those temperatures, not much of it is in atmosphere. If one would take a sample of the ground and carry it in habitat where it's warm and breathable, it would probably smell like typical low carbon organic compounds.
  2. Leonids like to do that, and they often leave a greenish plume.
  3. If she isn't a gamer and basics of computer games are new to her, such as simply walking through a 3D space, etc., then Slender: The Eight Pages. It's one of those things I've never been able to get used to. It frightens me every time. The key is in simplicity and the terror you create for yourself.
  4. I was just pointing out the advertising.
  5. If you earn money using Squad's copyrighted names and images, you're clearly breaking the law, even if the stuff lacks those things. You simply can't call your stuff "KSP shirt". It's pretty straightforward. https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/eula.php
  6. That's a real life Mk-1 capsule. The ablation is quite extreme on its sides. Looks to me as it almost disintegrated.
  7. Isn't this Movember thing about letting one's moustaches grow to raise awareness about men's health?
  8. It is alive as much as the people willing and able to do anything, are doing anything.
  9. It shouldn't be bad. In this case, dillution is a solution to pollution. NASA confirmed in a press conference people shouldn't try to collect any "souvenirs" because there might be hydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide tanks. Pierced or not, they're hazardous. Cygnus has them for maneuvering and changing orbit.
  10. Whoops, I guess my source got it wrong. My bad for not checking. kyled1142 (signed in using yahoo) Hope you like your crab cakes well-done. How are they feeling? Hungry.
  11. This was liquid engine. Two stages. No solid rocket boosters. It was a massive deflagration. Even with LOX spillage, we didn't get a true detonation. This is exactly what I was predicting on one of the threads few months ago.
  12. This is why you should join. I grabbed this during the accident. We had fun, unlike cookies aboard. It was a blast.
  13. What do you think I'm doing parallel to this?
  14. I just made this with my earlier screenshot. Feel free to share around. I just had to do it.
  15. I suppose one more reason why there's no one there yet is hydrazine. There had to be some of it aboard. It's better to let it evaporate from the site before sending HAZMAT-suited folks.
  16. I am. In fact, I was hoping we get some fireworks. Evil, I know, but I never do it with manned flights.
  17. I caught this screenshot. It was obvious something was wrong. There were sparks before slowing down. My guess - something got pierced. The turbopump perhaps, I don't know.
  18. Is there a reason why celestial bodies without atmosphere look like they have atmosphere? It annoys me and that's the reason I've removed this mod. It simply ruins the experience of flight in vacuum for me. Everything else is simply great, but this glow is something I can't get over. Is there any way to remove this option?
  19. I haven't read this, so I can't tell if there are any spoilers inside. Readers, beware. http://badassdigest.com/2014/10/27/interstellar-movie-review-ambitious-inert-beautiful-flawed/
  20. Android, of course. Windows Phone is a dead platform. You might as well buy one of those "phones for elderly".
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