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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Not this crap again... Why are you opening duplicate threads about topics beaten to death?
  2. Up until recently, that was the case at my place. Now everyone needs to follow the rules.
  3. Yes, it's illegal to make money transactions without a cash register. All transactions need to be accounted for, so the tax department can see it. So it's not because of stupidity. It's the law.
  4. Urban transportation is computerized to reduce congestion. It can function without it, but with less efficiency. When the system suddenly collapses, the transportation collapses, too, simply because it can't compensate for the sudden loss.
  5. Gaseous mixtures are well mixed because they're gas, but Titan's atmosphere is almost completely nitrogen.
  6. I still remember. I like the mod. Will try out.
  7. Then what was the purpose of people onboard? I thought the mission was designed for two people minimum, plus HAL9000.
  8. Well, we aren't shown that the monolith really does anything. We can assume, but there is no obvious evidence. The mistery still exists. That was a computer AI error. The mission can't proceed without the crew. If the crew stays alive, HAL9000 gets shut down and the mission is jeopardized. If the crew dies, mission is a complete failure. Therefore it was an error, not a logical decision.
  9. Diving in a pressure sphere to the bottom of the Mariana trench is way less hazardous than going to the Venus surface, and the pressure is like a hundred times greater. How the hell would one leave Venus?
  10. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80281-Interstellar
  11. Actually it's carbon dioxide. There isn't much SO2 at the ground level. Testing it by dunking it into lava would serve no purpose. Instead, you make a high pressure oven. It's called an autoclave. The crystal state is nearly perfect, but there is still some movement, which is caused by zero point energy. That is correct. If you try to cool something down to 0 K, you can never reach it, and even if you could, to measure it would mean heating it up.
  12. Sorry, but I don't see how removing the dawn of the humanity would serve a purpose. It's interesting. We don't find out anything about the monolith from that scene. It's a black block and the apes go mad near it. Neptune was featured in this movie. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_Horizon_(film)
  13. Putting the apes at the end? But the whole point of the movie is to show progress. The start was very, very slow and iconic. It's an integral, vital part of the scenario.
  14. But I wouldn't have Flappy Bird. Back to the topic, betavoltaics couldn't power a cell phone which could be used for voice communication. Bursts could enable textual communication only. But that's enough. It would be a lifesaver in certain situations.
  15. I'm not sure if that was a sarcasm, but lava is over 1000°C, that's too hot.
  16. I think it would, but the resulting persona would not be human like. We owe a lot to those fallacies. We had philosophy in gymnasium as a compulsory class. It lasted for one year and it was great. I agree with you.
  17. Of course the probes will fry after a while. Perfect insulators don't exist. Heat will creep inside and elevate the temperature. You can only slow down the process by refrigeration. They don't want to try again, as if they've failed. They've succeeded and it was awesome. Now they want more. Longer survival time, more experiments, more data. I'd like to see a quality HD footage from Venus. I hope I will before my death. It shouldn't be a problem and as I've said, the whole global warming issue should be one of the reasons to go there again.
  18. It was joke. *borat* I'd really like a new mission to Venus. It's not very expensive, and the data could help us with the global warming. Russia is planning Venera-D, but somehow I think that won't happen. :/ Yes, manned mission is absurd. We aren't going there any time soon, maybe ever. Here, read this, it's interesting. http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/docs/6_2PAUKEN_paper.pdf
  19. Nuke, the e-paper idea, that's convenient. How much power does a simple Kindle have? I still think it would be too weak. This is microwatts you're talking about. phoenix_ca, it's a disaster if you're out in the wild, in the mountains, and your phone dies. Cold wind, bears... gosh. My old phone could go on standby for like 5 days or more. I really need a solar charger.
  20. In Cosmos, deGrasse says it's due to the intense atmospheric pressure. While it's true that the optical qualities of ground level atmosphere on Venus are different from what we experience on Earth, the effects in the episode were just plain exaggerated. The curving of the image and breaking of light like in a prism... it was too much. Also the shape of the distortion... I don't know if that is correct. Horizon curving upwards or downwards? Bottom of Venus atmospheric ocean is supercritical CO2, so some distortion would be present. If you were standing on its surface, the horizon would look a lot more close than it really is. I've read that it would seem as you were standing on a very large sphere with foggy mirages around. Visibility is around few kilometres at most, and the light level is comparable to a very cloudy day on Earth (but with an orange tint). Shadows are very poor which adds to the confusion. These are approximations of color and overall light levels (it is calculated and then applied to a B/W photo) Walking away from the lander without navigational equipment would make you get lost very easily. I don't think there is any shimmering on Venus as we see it here when the air is hot, except around potential lava flows. Such shimmering requires large temperature gradients near the ground, so you have air with different optical qualities. That happens because the Sun can shine on the ground through a very transparent atmosphere. On Venus, no direct light shines. Temperature differential is almost nonexistent. It's a hot soup. There might be moving distortions due to wind. Winds are slow there, but pack a lot of power because of the bulkness of the supercritical fluid they're moving. The landers were made out of titanium, not chocolate. Titanium doesn't experience creep at such low temperatures, AFAIK. The probe today should look pretty much as back then. Slightly tarnished, that's all.
  21. Alien ant farm in your pants. (sorry, I cringe at the idea of that being in my pants)
  22. Watch out for the featherweight cows out there.
  23. That's interesting. I did not know that. I think it tarnished a bit the image of Kubrick I had. Not that I thought he was perfect, but I'd love the radiators.
  24. Is This How You Feel in your pants. (people, it's in your pants)
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