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Everything posted by Goose09

  1. ^This. I have been trying to use this mod, but I keep getting weirdness. KSP gets hung up on a file when loading, my camera flies up into space at launch, etc. I'm pretty sure I installed it correctly, but this would help.
  2. Sorry to break the subject at hand, but I am having problems with the engine mount's fuel system. I can draw fuel from the main booster tank, but when I get in orbit, my engine tank on the shuttle is empty, and it won't let me transfer fuel from the booster even if I have a fuel line from the booster. Can someone help with this? I am using the crew manifest mod, if that makes a difference in the way fuel is transferred.
  3. Ludsoe, not sure if anyone has suggested a balance for the science lab yet, but I was thinking that requiring materials to study might help reduce the OP-ness of the module. I was thinking kinda-sorta like in real life where we actually either bring samples with us to space for testing or acquire them while we are there. You could create a new resource (samples, or whatev) and then make the lab empty on launch, and create a small-ish part to contain said samples, or maybe even build multiple kinds of samples, if you're feeling extra ambitious. Just a thought. Great mod so far, however, and I'm looking forward to seeing more options for science from Squad in the future updates.
  4. Well, I went the thorough route and just wiped and "stepped" in my mods one at a time. The end result works just fine. This mod is awesome! It really adds a nice touch to the feel of the game, and I love the changes made to the nuclear engines. They really feel powerful now. Excellent work, and thanks for the help.
  5. All I have is the name of the tank on the "selection" column. I have engineer redux installed as well (prior to installing this mod.) Could that be interfering?
  6. Could someone help me out with this mod? I have followed the install instructions to the letter, but I am unable to see any changes in the action groups menu, where I assume the fuel changes are supposed to be made. If someone could maybe post a screenshot, or point out how much of an idiot I am by correcting me. Thanks in advance.
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