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Everything posted by Thunderscreech

  1. Regarding maneuver nodes, while you say the short term fix is to just allow planning beyond it for now, there's an implicit 'but we'll put this restriction back in the future when delta-V calculations are improved'. If that's accurate, I hope consideration will be given to leaving that restriction off, full stop. It's useful to know just how far off you are from the needed dV, and if you block any planning past what the computer has calculated is available, then you kill that. The frustration this has brought to so many of us with the bugs currently should hopefully be taken as data points.
  2. I've seen some other folks express similar thoughts on the Parts Manager and I'd like to expand on some of those concerns. I think I understand what the intention of the Part Manager is, to make a Single Source of Truth for controlling and configuring everything, but I feel that this comes with a greater harm to usability. In KSP1, there was a direct connection between what you clicked and what you saw/controlled. Right clicking a tank brought out a connected window so there was no confusion about what was being changed and how it related to the rocket. The Parts Manager in KSP2, however, creates a visual disconnect. Whether in the VAB or in flight, you click on something and suddenly a window pops up. It may have auto-expanded the section relevant to the part you clicked, but for me it still takes some time to find it and even then, there's only a subset of options available especially if we're talking about something like a fuel tank which might require me to alternately go to the Resource Manager. Making a disconnect interferes with my enjoyment because I spend less time flying or building the rocket and more time 'dealing with' the interface. If this is a temporary UI meant to make the game usable during development, it's great for that. If it is intended to be a replacement for the UI style KSP1 had, I feel like it's a step backwards and I hope consideration is given to addressing this. Ideally, the UI should be working for us, not the other way around.
  3. In case I'm misunderstanding this post, I'm getting wrong transfer windows with a stock solar system. As far as I can tell, it's not a bug ONLY for folks with different systems. Thanks!
  4. Greetings! I have running in and it seems the transfer window calculations aren't correct anymore. I've been using KAC for many months and it looks like it's calculating transfer windows several months off from when they should be. The planetary alignments at the days it picks look wrong too, and trying to set up a maneuver node with the usual ejection angles gives closest-approaches that are 30-90 degrees (and several tens of millions of klicks) off. Is anyone else seeing this?
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