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Everything posted by Vrana

  1. Check out Multiversal Mechatronics - Fixed Camera - 1.3 . It hasnt been updated for .22 but people have made it work in .21 so i guess it should work now too. Look through the thread to see how. You also might be interested in Athlonic Electronics / LCD - Launch CountDown (Audio&Onscreen) v1.4. It doesnt do what you want but it does enhance the launch experience and is updated for .22.
  2. Yes but a different mod -ModuleManager- does this. You already have MoudleManager running. You installed it with RT since RT depends on it for its own configs.
  3. Looks like we got this one with KSP at 49% and runner-up, undead cat, on 20%. Dont forget the IndieDB competition tough. I figure that one might be harder to get.
  4. Uh.. a box which randomly flashes a cat? I would say that is a good gift for a geek wannabe.
  5. Supposedly... they do not contain stock parts and many of them fit some popluar mods in regards to thier description. I have persoanlly never seen any offical word on these nodes but then again i didnt really go looking for it.
  6. KSP on place 4 out of 5 atm. :/ Vote harder.
  7. I can assure you, Experimental Motors node exists. Its the end-of-tree node, with no stock parts, supposedly intended for mods, behind Advanced Motors.
  8. The slope is not that slippery if you use texture reduction packs(or the active memory reduction mod) and PartCatalog for organizing a huge library of parts. For example i run the following without any noticable issues: Aviation Lights B9 RBI tracks (.22 version, updated by Galacticruler) KER KAS Procedural Fairings KW LLL (+a few experimental parts) MagicSmoke IR Tal Spherical Torodial Pack Tal Radial Experiment Storage NovaPuch2 RemoteTech2 DeadlyReentry FAR KerbalJointReinforcment Firespitter Chatterer ScienceLog RCSBuildAid PerciseNode PartCatalog Active Memory Reduction Mod Inflatible Hab Module ALCOR
  9. Be warned, if you are trying to setup a ring on the same circular orbit... It will never be perfect. If you do the job really good it will be very close to perfect but never perfect. A difference in say, apoapsis height on the 4th decimal spot might not seem big, you might not even notice it without mods which provide more detailed info. But in the long run (timewarping, years pass) your sats will drift from their perfect postions along the ring. A very small error in orbit will build up over a long period of time in relation to other sats on the (almost) same orbit. No way around this afaik. You will have to do small manuvers every few years(or months depening on how well you positioned them and how "fast/low" thier orbit is) to place sats which drifted out of position to their right spot in the ring. I have seen a few explanantions for why this happens... From floating point errors, to theories that orbit is claculated from the "nose" of a ship instead of its center. Whatever the cause fact is perfect orbits are not possible and this is why it is a good idea to include some means of propulsion on satellites which form "rings" on the same orbit. RCS or an Ion drive can cover you for a very long time. Just saying this cause you mention postioning them with separatrons. If these satellites need to maintain their postion relative to each other for a long (in)game time they will need more then a single shot propulsion system. EDIT: Forgot to answer your question. Easiest way to get the dV info you want would be to do a test run in the orbit you want your carrier to use for launching. Get a ship into that orbit, setup a manuver node on intended satellite separation spot, circulize the orbit on the node, your manuver node will now dispaly the needed amount of dV. Basicly... What Mr.Rocket said.
  10. As you may know IndieDB has started its 4th Annual Indie of the Year Awards. We, the KSP community, recently helped KSP win an award on a different site. See here for more info. Lets help KSP win another award. Vote on the IndieDB KSP page. No registration is required and there are 5 days left to vote in the first round.
  11. Until he does i belive the info you are looking for can be found in Kerbal Engineer. Surface tab - Vertical Velocity readout.
  12. Never had any problems with the base install. Also notice that you are in the "Add-on Development" section of the forums.
  13. Uh... Really? Can you back that claim with some evidence? Steam doesnt even see your (or at least they claim not to see) system specs unless you volounteer this info to them and even then they claim this info is anonymous. So how do they restrict playing (and i assume buying) games based on info they claim not to have?
  14. Very cool. Im thinking mobile bases with RoveMax3 wheels and these will work very nice. Is it possible to attach parts to the movable bottom "cover"?
  15. LLL is my favorite part pack and i do use most of the big ones. Figure the least i can do is show your parts are put to good use as a thank you for making and maintaing the mod.
  16. Duna base recived its new habitation and science module. The module features two side labs, four apartments on ground lvl(each with its own garden) and the commanders apartment with double gardens just below the command pod. However... Originally a much larger module was intended to expand the base. However because of part count and lag created even while in the middle of nowhere i dreaded landing this next to the rover and the exsisting module so i have rerouted this module to Minmus. And thus i present the Minmus Gardens. Located on the slopes of a Minmus mountain and overlooking a lake the Mimnus Gardens are the very latest in high value space property. Ideal for families and young bachelors alike. Fully equpied with a communal laboratory for science oriented indiviuals. Reserve your spot on the Minmus Gardens today.
  17. Have to say i prefer the old IVA. But one must take into consideration that the new one is likely not finished (not that the old one was either) and the new one is likely more functional for people who actaully do IVA flights.
  18. It greatly depends on your previous skills/education. People with good previous knowledge of physics will have a much easier time with this "game" in general. Others will have to learn things while they play. I think my first Mun orbit attempt was a success(not efficient in any way or form, that took some ingame experience). Landing on it in one peice, however, took quite a bit longer.
  19. I dont like the end of tech tree nodes. Their names do seem to fit some mods very nicely but it means that you need to unlock basicly the whole tree before you get to the mod. In practice this means i could have gone and done a sandbox game to play with the mods parts since there will be no difference, i will have all parts unlocked when i get to the mod parts.
  20. It always confused me when going through the file structure of LLL to see this little ships cfg called the InfilitrationPod... But then at one point images of swarms of little ships rushing towards a capital ship and lacthing to its hull started coming back. And all was good.
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