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Everything posted by seanth

  1. Huh. We thought we got rid of that. Originally we had the ability to optionally add a Biology branch to the tech tree, but ended up rolling that option into whether the player choose Classic (uses normal tech tree) or Easy and higher (uses the new Biology tech tree). It errors because the file is now a part of the difficult level files. Roboto is on the case and is building a new dll that should fix that problem. We missed it because we had been testing in pre-made save games. Hang tight for a new test version
  2. I'm seeing odd results when I reload the database. Specifically, I'm seeing parts flash in the sky, with one part remaining stuck in the sky I'm not sure whether this is a problem with reloading the database, or how I have structured the cfg. I have placed an example copy of one of the cfg files I write for MM ahttps://www.dropbox.com/s/dcimbg9a0mewv1g/Easy.cfg?dl=0
  3. The new version, when played on the hardest level, uses realistic conversion rates. I personally don't play with the Real* mods, but I would be happy to work with you to provide a moduleManager file that would make it compatible with the Real* mods.
  4. We're looking for a few good testers http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125880-WIP-BioMass-mod-needs-testers-%28greenhouses-gas-compressors-biofuel-production%29
  5. We're looking for a few good testers http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125880-WIP-BioMass-mod-needs-testers-%28greenhouses-gas-compressors-biofuel-production%29
  6. BioMass has undergone a significant rework to take advantage of the 1.0.2's new modules and ability to easily edit the tech tree. Because there are four different levels of difficulty (Classic, Easy, Medium, and Hard), and 13 to 20 parts (depending on the difficulty of play chosen), we could use some help in play testing things. Those interested in helping can grab a tester version fromhttps://github.com/VigilanteInc/BioMass/releases/tag/ This version lets player turn nearly all biological processes on/off for testing purposes. If you can help us out, PM me and I can give you a list of things you can help check, depending on whether you want to check out Classic, Easy, Medium, or Hard ------------------ Edits: *2015.0618 18:07 Updated Hard yellow greenhouse. Removed artificial light. Removed Easy's food production module. Reduced node attachment sizes. Removed duplicate shutter buttons. Removed seed resource. Added light resource. Defaults to half max amount of biomass *2015.0618 18:32 This is what happens when you start using automated tools to help. Added light resource back to all greenhouses. Fixed red, hard attachment node sizes. Removed duplicate modules from Easy greenhouses. *2015.0618 18:44 Removed algae greenhouse from Easy *2015.0618 19:10 Fixed problem with starting game and not explicitly choosing a difficulty. *2015.0618 23:38 EASY: moved tanks from Science to Utility. Changed the name of the gas compressor *2015.0619 10:06 HARD: removed legacy BioReactor module. Renamed the buttons Start/Stop H2 Rxn, Start/Stop KH4+O2 Rxn *2015.0619 10:35 Misc tweaks to BioReactor. Fixed animations. HARD: increased rate of Bioreactor. Now yields 0.24L liquidFuel/day. MEDIUM: Fixed Easy BioReactor(wasn't mass balanced), increased rate of Bioreactor. Now yields 0.41L liquidFuel/day. EASY: increased rate of Bioreactor. Now yields 0.72L liquidFuel/day. Medium and Hard need water for everything to work. *2015.0619 12:28 Increased compressor release rates for Medium and Hard by factor of 10, except for Hydrogen. Left that as-is. *2015.0619 14:18 HARD and MEDIUM: Simplified the BioCake+Kethane gas rxns *2015.0622 Fixed popup window problem. Reported by Lachlan (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125880-WIP-BioMass-mod-needs-testers-%28greenhouses-gas-compressors-biofuel-production%29?p=2032459&viewfull=1#post2032459) *2015.0624 Somehow lost edits to BioReactor from 2015.0619. Hard BioReactor is fixed again. Minor testing of the MicroBiome. Set the modules (except the water valve) to be always working.
  7. We know it's taking a long time to roll out an update. It turns out that if you are a biologist, you make lots of notes and feel compelled to make sure everything works in a sane way.
  8. We know it's taking a while. But there are reasons. Here's an example of my notes related to the update:
  9. Do you have any plans of providing a built version in your releases, or should we just go ahead and roll our own?
  10. I'm so happy to see this back. How difficult would it be to have a "Save to CSV" button to the part's right-click menu? I'm personally not all that interested in in-flight graphs, but post-facto analysis is really great, so pulling up the graphotron gui is sometimes meh and eats up screen. It'd be even better if you required an antenna to "transmit" the csv data back, or you got the data saved to csv on recovery. Maybe even earn science for that.
  11. Roboto and I are on the case. Keep an eye on the github repository to see what our progress is. We'll be testing things to see whether we can move to new stock Squad generators, balance testing, etc.
  12. Yes, what you show is true, but what I mean is there a flag that makes it so the module is always active. I.e. the player can not turn it on or off. It's just always on. It would be essentially be the same as the ModuleGenerator's isAlwaysActive = true flag EDIT: ModuleGenerator is TERRIBLE. Unless they fixed it, giving it multiple inputs is a joke because when one input runs out, the generator still keeps making output
  13. Are there details on the ModuleResourceConverter somewhere? I'm specifically interested in whether there is an alwaysOn flag, and whether you can trigger animations when the module is in use.
  14. Can you stick a copy of the log file somewhere that I can see? I just tested the most recent release of biomass with 0.9 and the biomass button appears in the space center window for me. Roboto reported it worked for him as well. He's on windows and I'm on a mac.
  15. I will look at my notes, but I think the original incarnation of BioMass mod just made up a density for the BioMass resource. The most recent versions assume BioMass is a bamboo-like material ("kamboo") with a real world green density of 0.00085 tonnes/L. Since I am convinced the real world to KSP conversion factor is 4.5, 0.00085tonnes/L * 4.5 = 0.003825 tonnes/L
  16. I think that since BioMass originated with with his mod, CRP is supposed to follow our lead. It could be CRP is using the original BioMass values vs the most recent changes. You can ping RoverDude and see what he has to say
  17. After the holidays Roboto and I will be updating BioMass. In the meantime, please do feel free to fork the github repository and work on it.
  18. This might end up being a long post. OK. First, the BioMass mod has evolved a bit since it was first released. There are FOUR different ways it can be played. You can change the difficulty level by using the in-game button (see here for details): 1.) Classic. This is BioMass as it was initially released. Each greenhouse produces a different thing, things are not mass balanced, and there are fewer parts. As Roboto has said to me, it's meant for "casual" players. For details on how Classic works, see here 2.) Easy. Easy is similar to classic, but the reactions are mass balanced. The categories that some parts were in under Classic have changed, as have some of their descriptions 3.) Medium and Hard are, for the time, identical. The various biological and chemical reactions are more complex, mass balanced, and relatively close to reality in terms of rates (read as: things happen slowly). The rest of this post will deal with medium and hard. There are various greenhouses of differing sizes, but they all work in similar ways: they need seeds. You germinate the seeds by exposing them to IR light. The germinated seeds take in CO2 and water in the presence of light and make O2 and Biomass. Be careful, though, because in the absence of light Biomass +O2 is turned into CO2 and water. Luckily the photosynthetic reaction is 4x greater than the respiration reaction. Once you have Biomass you can harvest it to make Biocake. If you allow the Biomass to grow until it fills the greenhouse, it starts to produce seeds. See here Biocake and seeds can be combined to make Koylent(food) using the Koylent maker. See here Biocake can also be used to make liquid fuel in the Bioreactor by combining Biocake, CO2, and H2. See here And if you need some gasses but only have waste products, you can break them down in the Microbiome (essentially a compost pile). See here As for the biomass values resetting exiting warp, I'll ping Roboto about it
  19. I'm not sure what you mean. You can generate oxidizer by compressing oxygen, and you can generate liquid fuel by using the BioReactor. There are a series of flow charts (that look much more complicated than they are) on the development thread if you need help figuring out how to make liquid fuel
  20. I think I have said before that the idiom "boring as watching grass grow" exists for a reason. If you are interested in less realistic growth rates, change the difficulty level to Easy. If you are already on Easy, lolz. After the holidays I'll get this whipped into shape for KSP 0.9
  21. It's true, rates are slow, but have you ever heard the phrase "boring as watching grass grow"? There's a reason the rates are low :-)
  22. To risk hijacking, you may want to try out the BioMass mod. The threads need updating, but the latest release is on github -3 greenhouse types -Ability to make food -Ability to make fuels from grown plant matter -Can breakdown waste into gasses and wastewater for plants to use -Can clean waste water -Compressors for converting oxidizer into oxygen for kerbals (and plants) -Designed to work with TACLS and Kethane ( There are 4 difficulty levels to choose from ranging from Classic (the original release), to Easy, Medium, and Hard. Hard is pretty close to how things work in the real world, and Easy, Medium and Hard should be mass balanced so things don't magically gain or lose weight.
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