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Everything posted by JupiterII

  1. Press G to activate them. This is in the How to forum...
  2. I\'d have to say minecraft. Not because the actual game play is the best, but me and my friends have played it for so long and have done so much. I really like the multiplayer and to build things with other people. I did like minecraft more in early beta though, but I think some new things are cool. My favorite single player games would be Skyrim and KSP for sure.
  3. I\'ve made some videos on orbiting. If you want to check those out: http://www.youtube.com/user/thedestroyingpulsar/videos
  4. I sure hope you\'re not talking from experience.
  5. You have to remember that Kerbol is a lot smaller than Sol and Kerbin is much smaller than the Earth.
  6. Welcome to the forums!
  7. Shouldn\'t it be possible for modders to make a docking part? With the ability to code your own parts.
  8. Technical Ben made a saucer for the enterprise: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4311.msg48644#msg48644
  9. The speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s, not 300.
  10. No, what would be the point of pre-ordering if that was the case?
  11. There\'s no graphics card in your list.
  12. Mine is the 1st of march. Every four years an extra day is stuck right infront of it. >
  13. You don\'t know what female kerbals look like.
  14. JupiterII


    Welcome to the forums
  15. An X-wing stopped the Deathstar.
  16. Hmm, I never though of that. Over-grown grass that became intelligent.
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