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Everything posted by JupiterII

  1. Great, more stupid things to worry about.
  2. That won\'t get you banned for life or anything.
  3. Please check to make sure your posts actually make sense before posting them.
  4. Some of you may know that I made a few videos about KSP, well this is my first minecraft video. Hope you enjoy how to make a wolf canon!
  5. JupiterII


    Hmmm. Everone I know calls it Jello.
  6. Thanks, I completly forgot about the mobile site on the computer.
  7. Is it any good? I would check wikipedia, but no, stupid SOPA had to come along and my ipod had to die. >
  8. Oh, must have read that wrong.
  9. Thanks. @nasa123 How could you play the 4th one, if it\'s only coming out in march?
  10. That\'s what I mean, English wiki is down. They\'re not really going to convince anyone to stop SOPA if thy block the Chinese wiki, now are they?
  11. Welcome to the forums!
  12. It\'s only a protest for the US.
  13. Ya, it\'s not a very good protest. It\'s still really easy to get on the site. Just disable Java in your browser or use a phone.
  14. It looks like they\'re all seperate computers, so it\'s not a cool. 1 of them looks like it might have two moniters though. @ Captain; What do you do with 3-4 computers on the same desk?
  15. I\'m not offended. I am sure if I spent enough time on this, I would crack it, but I\'m too lazy. It\'s funny, I can understand so many things, most teens would die from just trying to imagine, but I had no clue what you said.
  16. Duhhh, uhhhh, um, right, I got that...I have no idea what that meant.
  17. I know what this is, but have no clue how to decipher it. Any hints?
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