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Everything posted by JupiterII

  1. Cool, I\'ll be checking those out enventually.
  2. You\'re right. It\'s an easy riddle with that in mind.
  3. But those arn\'t words, they\'re numbers.
  4. JupiterII


    If you went back and killed your grandfather, you never would of existed. If you never existed then there\'s no one to go back and kill your grandfather, so he must be alive, which means you exist. Same idea. If the universe let\'s these things happen then I lost a lot of respect for it. =P
  5. JupiterII


    If you wen\'t back in time and killed your parents, you wouldn\'t have been born. You never existed to go back and kill your parents so they\'re still alive which means you would of been born. It\'s an endless loop. Grr, I don\'t like paradoxes. There must be some law that prevents them or else there would be infinite alternate realities.
  6. Post your riddles and try to answer others! I\'ll start: This is an unusual paragraph. I\'m curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching!
  7. What we should do is focus all our efforts on creating a time machine to travel to the future and get all the technology we want. It\'s flawless!
  8. It\'s 12:15am here, yay Christmas!
  9. Not for me! It\'s still the 24th here.
  10. I know, just forgot the last zero when typing.
  11. We\'re in the 3rd. Let\'s see, um 41 - 3 is um, well, a lot? But really 3800 years is a long time.
  12. Old guy of the 20th century: 'Get off my lawn' Old guy of the 21st century:'Get off my wireless internet'
  13. I\'m going to try this sometime, maybe tomorrow.
  14. I think the option is to pay paypal with your credit card. If I understood correctly.
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