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Everything posted by JupiterII

  1. No, it\'s evil, pain and death. When KSP gods fail then it\'s death, death and most importantly; waste of a space craft.
  2. Can we pay with a mastercard giftcard?
  3. Could you be a little more specific?
  4. Isn\'t windows 8 going to suck for PCs since it\'s made for mobiles? At least that\'s what I\'ve heard.
  5. March - Found out about minecraft Date Unkown - Found KSP(when ever 0.8 was)
  6. Anything along the lines of simulator/driving games?
  7. JupiterII

    Oh hi.

    A whole 2 hours and the Captain didn\'t reply!
  8. The world are still finite, just 8 times the size of the earth.
  9. I\'ve been playing since beta 1.3. I agree that single player isn\'t fun anymore but I still like to play multiplayer with my friends.
  10. If they had telescopes powerful enough to view earth\'s surface then they would see us in the 15th century, so yes.
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