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Everything posted by JupiterII

  1. I think that it would have made more sense for the bottles to be upside down.
  2. Welcome to the forums! You can use less fuel to get into orbit by only firing at your apoapsis. It has a larger effect on your periapsis, so you use less fuel.
  3. Welcome to the forums. All you need to orbit is 3 tanks and an engine. This is my tutorial if you want to check it out:
  4. Welcome to the forums! You english isn\'t bad(atleast not what you wrote here).
  5. JupiterII

    KSP at work

    My God! I knew computers were gigantic in acient times but that\'s huge!
  6. No it\'s 47. (Cookie if you guess the reference)
  7. I always wanted to too, but the chances are microscopic. Welcome to the forums!
  8. Je suis canadien aussi, mais je suis anglephone alors je n\'ais pas le meilleur grammaire.
  9. Last time I took c7 to space the rudders still worked.
  10. Same, I probably would have already paid had there been more payment options.
  11. Build a plane(using c7) that can land on the water and land(with minor or no modifications). No parachutes! Highest speed when landing wins!
  12. My new video on orbiting(much better than the older one).
  13. You\'ve lasted 5 days!?!?! I would have died by then. I\'m not even joking. I would be dead.
  14. I never learned about the war of 1812 at shcool and I never heard that music(or I don\'t want to spend 15 minutes waiting to see if I reconise it).
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