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Everything posted by JupiterII

  1. That\'s because they are. Pony shows are secretly stupifying kids everywhere.....
  2. Isn\'t that the opposite of a haiku?
  3. I know what it is, I just don\'t see why it\'s in the poll.
  4. It\'s funny how even thought it\'s a missile they still managed to get Bill, Bob and Jed strapped to the front!
  5. I think the Russians took more technology but the scientists decided to side with the Americans.
  6. Nazis were really advanced in rocketry for their time. I think the early Russian program was all stolen German rockets.
  7. It\'s possible to escape but you would have to go so fast it would probably crash the game. So I guess it\'s impossible.
  8. Halloween is over. :\'( Time to wait for the next holiday!
  9. I\'d say that metric\'s wining.
  10. Nobody else said it so I thought I would.
  11. That might be why. I downloaded the very first version you uploaded so I\'ll try again.
  12. I couldn\'t find the stands. What section are they under?
  13. The first ignition ignites 15 LFE\'s which burn for about 3:00, the next set of engine gets you almost to an orbit, then the boosters get you into a LEO, half a tank of fuel pushes your apokee all the way out to 12,000-13,000km. That\'s extreme over kill. Plan your trip right and you can get there with a pretty small rocket.
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