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    Space enthusiast, streamer, modder
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    Space, Dungeons & Dragons, camping, jazz drum set (musician), classical music, ambient folk music, indie folk music, post rock music, anime, Deep Rock Galactic, Sea of Thieves, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Elite: Dangerous, Beat Saber, ESO, For Honor, GRIS, Subnautica: Below Zero, KSP

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  1. Going live again sometime around 2:30-3pm PST - got some new progress on my two-point door hinge to show :)

    EDIT: 1:30-2pm --> 2:30-3pm Had to delay an hour ;.;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HafCoJoe


      https://twitch.tv/avera9ejoe I should have linked it in the first place! :D

    3. Azimech


      Thanks! Now I'll take a look at the time difference.

    4. HafCoJoe


      Hm, sadly I need to delay the start time an hour - That makes it around 3 hours from this update.

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