I'm considering taking the points hit and doing a Duna One mission, but I have a few questions. - Would the score deduction stay the same (or even apply at all?) if a return mission is offered in case of emergency, planned for and available, but never activated? (ergo Strive to Stay) - Does having rescue missions booked into the launch schedule count for crew survivability? - Can crew living quarters be "carried over"? For example, I land 3 Mk 1-2 command pods. Each has 3 seats. The first two launch with a single Kerbal, and the third launches with 3 kerbals and a smaller hab module. This is 5 kerbals across 10 seats. Does it count for long term hab? - Does a Duna-to-stay mission profile subtract half the points from every category, or just early mission bonus? It doesn't make much sense to dock the score for, say, having a mobile base just because the base isn't going back. edit: fixed a bit of kerbal math