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Everything posted by ravensoul6@hotmail.com

  1. It will only remain a satellite so long as you do not actively take control of the ship as it dips below 70 KM (atmosphere). The reason is that the ship is not subject to physics while not being controlled, but if time warped after switching to Jetster 3 it would indeed drop out of the sky.
  2. It is possible they could come close, however they will be passing each other at a significant speed. You should watch some docking tutorials if you want to bring two ships close together, even if you don't intend to dock them. Edit: Also, your orbit is actually in the atmosphere, do not take control of the lower ship while passing through periapsis, you will fall out of the atmosphere.
  3. When you are reading a KSP thread and realize your shift ended twenty minutes ago.
  4. You can never have enough parachutes...BUT you can have too many of them mounted to the wrong equipment. Always mount at least some of your parachutes directly to the lander can...lest you land your reuseable fuel tanks and engines safely in the crater made by your return capsule. I may have done this a time or six.
  5. Worked on getting my VToL SSTO to Laythe. This was not all done in one day, it took a while so some of this is a bit older and the pictures are out of order but tell the basic story of what happened. Docking both of these was fairly challenging, but not as bad as I thought it would be. On approach! Romeo Down safely. Juliet safely parked in orbit awaiting refuel. Shakespeare safely in orbit, but badly damaged from Aero-capture. Missing three engines, two small docking ports and a large docking port. Predictably the three ships separated while aero braking but I hadn't brought them low enough to hit the ground so all three came out the other side and I simply adjusted their orbits from there. Thankfully two of the remaining engines are aligned so the tug can still be used, disabled the other engines.
  6. Now in stark contrast to my sandbox game I haven't lost anyone in career mode, although Bob did have to get out and push to get his aero-braking capture on return to Kerbin.
  7. In my first sandbox save I've lost well over 180 Kerbals according to mission control, if you include all the crashing-then reverting to save that I've done I'm sure its probably six times that. I spent the time in that sandbox learning pretty much everything on my own-without watching youtube or surfing the forums for help. There were several times that I had so many scrapheaps in orbit around Kerbin I had to delete them in order to even see to set up manuever nodes. I also play with persistent debris and I've had a couple of collisions in orbit (from rogue satellites or spent stages) while docking with my transfer station. Even then I didn't plan on any missions being 1 way trips...well except that landing on Jool, but other than that I always PLANNED to bring my guys home...even if when they did all the parachutes ripped off and they slammed into the surface at 400 M/S.
  8. Its probably a silicate. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=silicate&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=885C12BD274D26B3E73A1C9E94963D81F31022EF&selectedIndex=4
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