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Everything posted by PakledHostage

  1. So you're half way to being a hippy. Congratulations! But why the finger pointing? Not everyone is ignoring or in denial about the problem. We may, as Nibb says, be mostly impotent in our own efforts to stop climate change but don't forget the immortal words of Margaret Mead:
  2. Call it what you want, but there is a difference between shrugging and saying "oh well, climate change is inevitable. Now get your Prius out of there so I can get through in my F350!" and doing what you can to reduce your own impact. I own a car but I try to minimize how much I drive it. I take public transit or ride my bike to get to and from work. I try to cut down on how much I fly. I don't leave lights or appliances on unnecessarily. I follow the three R's (reduce, reuse and recycle - in that order). Yes I am sure you can still fault me for my energy consumption, but at least I and many others are trying. Every little bit helps if everybody pitches in. What are you doing other than name calling?
  3. Reading between the lines, you're probably in your late teens or early twenties. In that case, I'm probably closer to your dad's age than yours, but with that comes a bit of wisdom... We all do/have done it to ourselves and it hurts, but you eventually learn to just move on. Respect yourself and the girls will respect you. Heck, you'll probably even find that you feel liberated in a day or two.
  4. Always be polite, but in my experience it is very difficult to be friends with someone who you're romantically interested in. You're most likely going to have to distance yourself from her or you're just going to end up feeling even more hurt. And remember that some girls just like to be what I call "a carrot". You know the old trick of hanging a carrot on a stick in front of a donkey so that the donkey walks where you want it to, thinking that it'll eventually get the carrot if it just keeps pursuing? Don't be the donkey.
  5. So are we to believe that no climate scientist has ever grown a garden or a kept a simple house plant in their home or office? Presumably they would also be privy to your "gardener's wisdom" if they had?
  6. I was thinking to myself just now that maybe it was planned? It would be in keeping with the show's character to end it that way. Just go out guns blazing, without any fanfare.
  7. For those fans of Top Gear who haven't heard, Clarkson has finally gone too far. He's been suspended and the final episodes of this season aren't going to be aired. Jeremy Clarkson 'punch': Top Gear episodes to be dropped Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear host, suspended by BBC after 'fracas'
  8. You are correct that climate does not equal weather, but climate change is expected to result in more extreme weather and that is the association that TheCanadianVendingMachine is getting at. Also, to my knowledge, nobody has published a peer reviewed paper that associates the number of pirates with global temperatures. An immense amount of peer reviewed work has been published showing a causal relationship between CO2 and global average temperatures, on the other hand. Correlation may not equal causation, but correlation also doesn't rule out causation.
  9. You're barking up the wrong tree. TheCanadianVendingMachine isn't (at least not as far as I can tell) an eminent climate scientist. Yet he/she is providing data and a hypothesis that is in line with the thinking of the world's leading experts on climatology. If you have an alternate hypothesis that contradicts the established paradigm, then it is you who must provide the evidence in support of your case. You can't just make baseless claims and fault your opponent for not being able to disprove whatever crackpot idea you come up with.
  10. You didn't read either thread that I linked to, did you? As andrewas said, you don't hold the pinhole camera up to your eye.
  11. You could make a pinhole camera. Here's a link showing how to make one. All you need is a can of Pringles crips, some wax paper, some tape and a few other bits and bobs.
  12. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good anti Obama rant...
  13. I'tll be partial just about everywhere that there's land but a partial eclipse is still pretty cool. Here's a map of the ground track showing percentage coverage of the sun. The dark blue areas are the only areas that will experience totality.
  14. One of my coworkers has read too much science fiction... He's hoping it is a bracewell probe. It would explain so much, he says.
  15. Except for the delta-V part... It takes far more than a couple hundred m/s delta-V to land on the moon. Real life isn't KSP. The Apollo LEMs had almost 5000 m/s. 2220 m/s for the ascent stage and 2470 m/s for the descent stage. (Ref: http://www.braeunig.us/space/specs/lm.htm)
  16. You'd have one less elephant on the Earth?
  17. That is a surprisingly accurate description of what a cat would find outside the airlock of a space station. Cute. I think an important point to remember is that before an animal can evolve to become better adapted to living in microgravity in the long term, it must be able to adapt to those conditions in the short term. A mammal will never get to the point of evolving a more suitable vestibular system if it can't survive long enough to breed (and if its reproductive system doesn't work) in microgravity. I can't speak to how well a cat's (or a human's for that matter) reproductive system works in microgravity, but I am fairly certain that a cat could learn to adapt to weightlessness. Even spiders have been found to be capable of overcoming their primary instincts when building webs in microgravity. Anyone who's ever been to sea in a small boat knows that it isn't an easy environment to function in or adjust to. It plays havoc with our vestibular systems and you can only move around by swinging from handhold to handhold, yet cats manage it better than just about any other animal that we keep as pets. That adaptability makes them good candidates.
  18. Or, if it is anything like the cat I had growing up, decide that the weather conditions outside the front door suck and then meow at the back door until you open it too... Just in case it might be better out back. But seriously, I suspect that cats would do better in space than a lot of animals. They generally handle living on boats quite well, and that isn't an easy environment to adjust to either. There has been a long tradition of ship's cats.
  19. The new bills are made from a plasticy material but there are still older bills in circulation. The "spocked" bill in the image above is an older bill. The new bills look like the one below. They have an image of the ISS' Canadarm on the back which, in my view, is cooler than Spock graffiti.
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