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Everything posted by PakledHostage

  1. Oh no you don't! 53 Come on positives! We need another rally.
  2. Take one down, break it in two? 50 bottles of soda on the wall
  3. Trem bumped it down so we're out of sequence. 48.
  4. With some trepidation, I'll post this relevant XKCD:
  5. I don't know... It looks kinda ominous? It COULD have been the ruin of many a poor boy, especially if it turns out it was aliens.
  6. I heard that it has been the ruin of many a poor boy. Are you sure you're not one?
  7. I think you should be 8. Noname117 was out of line. 9.
  8. Sorry. I guess it was a bit too cryptic... "~" is a bit-wise not in the c programming language. Bit-wise not of 0xC0FFEE is 0x3F0011.
  9. Ahh, 14... I remember it like it was last year!
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