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Everything posted by qsilence

  1. Version 1.3.1 OS: Win7 64bit Mods: Mechjeb2, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Transfer window planner (I believe that mods doesn't affect this problem) Problem: Fuel does not properly depleate within one asparagus stage. How to replicate: S3-14400 tank with S3 KS-25 engine in the middle On six structural pylons are six LFB KR-1x2 engines with six Jumbo 64 tanks on top of them. All attached in symetry mode. Boosters are propperly seperated to three stages with propper connecting by fuel ducts with symetry mode off. Expected behavior: last stage feeds fuel to the engine and to the next stages. Flow priority of boar engines is fine. Each stage has priority smaller than previous one. But all tanks on top of engines have the same priority and they are depleating together. It is not possible to adjust priority of tanks added in symetry mode separately to match priority of the corresponding engines. Only workaround is to turn off symetry mode and build rocket one part by one. Which is extremely painful experience if you have some tilted nose cones, separatrons, struts etc. Suggestion: flow priority of all parts of one stage should be the same. Possibility to change priority of parts added in symetry mode would be also great. Something like CTRL+click. https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9lhclsf019waue/Harvester XL.craft?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/radfics0dtzvdyr/Screenshots.zip?dl=0 Thank you. Your big fan Petr
  2. Retracted landing gear in KSP 1.0 seems to produce more drag, than extended. When you extend landing gear, you should experience drop of speed. Did not happen. Speed inreased instead. When retracting, speed dropped. So i can see that you are fiddling with gear drag somehow, but in wrong way In real airplanes is gear used for good braking. It can be also damaged by excessive speed. Another thing i noticed is altimeter behavior. Real altimeter has small triangle at the edge for tens of thousands not for hundreds. For hundereds is used a long needle. I am fixing this in cfg file of the altimeter, soiti behaves like real altimeter. Easy to change, think of it
  3. Great idea. Firrst what I had in my mind when using action groups for the first time. I was very disappointed that groups are not working this way already.
  4. There would be a way to set custom group to appear among other items for staging. So one would be able to extend solar panels together with separation of part of rocket. For exmple. Or another way. Option to set directly action of any part to be stageable.
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