TP - Headbutt, and i'm listing all things planned in complete detail: The new moon for Wexx, Standish, has a odd orbit that goes near Forun's orbit. Standish is very mountainous and has alot of flatlands! Be careful where you land! Forun will be renamed to Huygens. A Mimas and Iapetus analouges for Wexx The Neptune analouge, Pippitus, and it's three moons. Tritus, Leird and Millfrey. The Pluto analouge, Ploouto and it's two moons, Karion and Alia. A new, comet-like tail for Belenus due to tidal flexion A new 'gas giant' that is near Dres's orbit named Goliath. Good luck trying to return something off from there!