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Everything posted by Sylandro

  1. And i got this. ME: What's in the Mystery Goo? CLEVERBOT: People, buildings. Trees... Humans... You. Go any more?
  2. Holy lag-balls, batman! Nice to see you using JoolPlus!
  3. Bump. I'm not sure if i got this image in the main post.
  4. Wait, i think i saw a Nassault video where it showed the very first iteration of the KSC monolith back in 0.7.3
  5. Seriously, what was the first easter egg ever added to KSP? I keep on thinking of the Munar KSC which lasted to version 0.14 to 0.14.2, but that was just a bug. I like to think of it as a easter egg, though.
  6. TP - Headbutt, and i'm listing all things planned in complete detail: The new moon for Wexx, Standish, has a odd orbit that goes near Forun's orbit. Standish is very mountainous and has alot of flatlands! Be careful where you land! Forun will be renamed to Huygens. A Mimas and Iapetus analouges for Wexx The Neptune analouge, Pippitus, and it's three moons. Tritus, Leird and Millfrey. The Pluto analouge, Ploouto and it's two moons, Karion and Alia. A new, comet-like tail for Belenus due to tidal flexion A new 'gas giant' that is near Dres's orbit named Goliath. Good luck trying to return something off from there!
  7. IMHO, they should've kept it. Would've been a good easter egg to find.
  8. Here's a image that i found of it. Neat.
  9. DP- EVE compatibility has been dropped, but i'm working on fixing the gravity; turns out; it was a mistake all on my part!
  10. It shouldn't be called Trans-Keptunian, it should be called Trans-Pippitan, because Pippitus in the new upcoming release of JoolPlus will be the Neptune analouge.
  11. NEVER launch straight up, and always do your gravity turn.
  12. NOTE: JoolPlus will be merged with this. Do you mind recreating my Manai system?
  13. Thanks! Currently, i'm currently just beginning on work of EVE compatibility.
  14. Poles have weird terrain like that. One time, i was testing one of my planets, not in JoolPlus, but a something before that, and the north pole of that planet, was a depression, with black in the center.
  15. Yes, i am releasing my own, legitimate parts pack. Images will come soon.
  16. Sylandro

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm tough enough, tough, enough. Welcome to [REDACTED], how [REDACTED] are [REDACTED]?
  17. Floor 805: Adrien Brody is seen walking down this hallway.
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