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Everything posted by Sylandro

  1. Did you include the KittopiaTech Ingame Planetary Editing Tools? As i remember, atmosperic re-entry on Belenus begins very close to the surface, if you deorbit something at a low orbit. Speaking of Belenus....
  2. Belenus's atmosphere is similar to Duna's in height. Stratos will get a size cut, and i'll see if i can actually orbit it.
  3. I'm working on the new version as i'm typing this, and i can say, that a new moon for Wexx has been added and Forun's orbit has been changed from Jool to Wexx. And it's less inclined.
  4. TP: Okay guys, new version is officially released, i repeat; the new version is officially released!
  5. DP - New version is kinda released, images of the new moons and the new Gas Giant is up. I'm just waiting for the new version to finish downloading on Dropbox, so everyone; all aboard the hype train!
  6. The new version is near completion! KittopiaTech Ingame Planetary Editing tools is included so you can have purdy shots like this.
  7. If you have alot of mods installed, you should remove those mods, so that you have enough RAM to run this mod and PlanetFactory CE. The new version of this mod will be released when i add the finishing touches to Wexx and add one more moon to it.
  8. New development screenshots! With the new logo! Wexx, a new gas giant in the Kerbol System! Forun, the outermost moon of Jool, farther out than Kallipo and has a high inclination and has a atmosphere!
  9. So i made a logo for this mod, what do you think?
  10. Iiiiin the neeext update! Along with more moons in the next update, Stratos and Kallipo will get proper rotational speeds!
  11. DP - A early version of JoolPlus is now released!
  12. I'm currently re-working the JoolPlus planets and Moons into Kopernicus, like i promised. And there will be new moons for Wexx, too! Here's some screenshots! Augustus is also helping with me, so i could get some stuff done. CHANGELOG: Kopernicus Alpha 2.5: Higher gravity well for Wexx and a new, reworked Ioryon. Kopernicus Alpha 2: Various fixes, new textures for Manley and Cyrion and the two moons are finally landable! Kopernicus Alpha 1: Initial release of JoolPlus: Kopernicus Edition Early Beta 2: Forun and Wexx and it's moons are added. Early Beta 1: Initial release. DOWNLOAD (Highly experimental! Beware!) https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0l6mr2yo2eeaxq/JoolPlusKopernicusEdition.zip?dl=0 THANKS TO: _Augustus_, for helping me squash some bugs and he also helped move the normals to where they belong. CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE (In the process of getting a new one) JoolPlus by Sylandro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
  13. Some testing shots of my upcoming planet pack! JoolPlus, which adds more moons to Jool! A screenshot from one of the various craters on Kallipo, the Callisto analouge. The huge craters are pretty flat, but not as flat as the flats on Minmus, there's a couple of terrain formations in those craters. A screenshot from the surface of Stratos, the innermost moon of Jool, has a 45 degree inclination and is really close to it. But hey, it has wicked terrain and good views. It looks like the poster from Europa Report down here.
  14. Floor 768: Another wormhole appears, and a giant Kerbal walks out, holding a orange tank full of snacks.
  15. Himmeliland! Work, work! http://www.nationstates.net/nation=himmeliland
  16. Floor 765: A wormhole appears, and several Kerbals walk out, with briefcases full of snacks.
  17. I would like to see a 1.875m hitchhiker module, Orionkermin. That would be awesome!
  18. TP - Here's the new map. Some countries were merged, some were split apart and, the wildernesses are no more. What the countries are similar to: Himmeliland: Germany Tryos: Greece Suisse: Switzerland Panem: France Lababekia: Turkey Scanad and Oswein: Serbia and Montegro Nether: The Netherlands Artica: Russia Federated Colonies: United Kingdom Narnia: Italy Warsaw: Poland (Yes, that means that Warsaw cannot into space.) North Pacifica: Australia and New Zealand South Pacifica: Jamaica, Barbados and Brazil Yaengland: China Sinnoh: Japan Quealiomina: Spain Uri: Portugal Faesi: South Korea Koyaanisquatsi: Ukraine Agraria: Niue Aaladia: Mexico and Saudi Arabia Scorpio: Egypt Lupus: India Siriu Lupusi: Sri Lanka South Returia: The United States of America
  19. So why are you asking me? "WHERES CHAPTER THREE" I'm currently in a bit of a pickle with IRL things, but i have one thing related to this AAR. I updated the world map. I have the file on another computer, though.
  20. Think about Career Mode, you'll get 1.875 meter parts before you would get 2.5 meter parts. More power before you get mainsails.
  21. We could even have a 0.625 meter command module like Copenhagen Suborbital's Tycho Brahe: http://copsub.com/spacecraft-2/tycho-brahe/ . That would be the bomb. Even having a small, medium and large 0.625 meter fuel tank would be neat. Also, more 0.625 meter engines would be neat.
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