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Everything posted by stardog573

  1. It's difficult to stabilize a plane with off-center engine in KSP, so job well done.
  2. Yeah right... and airdrop them, of course.
  3. I think we can start competition for bringing these things to Mun.
  4. Medium T-34, Heavy IS. I think TD could be nice for next one. I prefer ISU-152.
  5. Oh it was KSP, I thought it was world of tanks. Good work
  6. Thanks! And today, I see Mk.3 plane can go straight to space with 1.0.3 patch! I'm so excited.
  7. I didn't know that. Maybe It's better to wait for bug patch than make some odd and ugly spaceship. Thanks!
  8. Hey guys, I wanna have some opinions for this. When I make SSTOs, I always try to make simple ascend profile. Just like this, you know. To do this, vehicle should be capable to break sonic barrier at low altitude. But... Drag from Mk3 parts was not a joke, really. So what i've done is, putting Mk3 parts inside of 2.5m fairing. I doubted but it worked, and capable to lift 40t payload to LKO with significantly reduced drag. But I'm not sure, is it cheaty? or did I ruined 'pureness' of SSTO? Now I'm working on polishing the craft (everything is crude yet) so I'll thankful for any advice.
  9. Hello everyone, what I made today is replica of M50 ontos. It's a quick build and not detailed replica. But what I really want to show you is potential of launch escape unit as an ammunition. When people make cannon for something like tank, seperatron is a typical choice for stock part ammunition. Problem is, seperatron is more like a rocket than cannon ammunition shell. Seperatrons continue their acceleration until they flew about 500m distance, and at early stage they are not fast enough to punch something hard. But in case of LEU, They use their fuel in a second and their velocity at eary stage is faster than any other rockets in KSP. Only problem is torque that LEU makes. Thus, two of them can be coupled and clipped together to compensate torque. As shown in following video, ammunitions have enough punch to destroy small objects in space center. So, for close targets (<200 meters) these ammunitions are really useful. And you can enjoy big explosions of empty fuel tanks, you know... <CRAFT DOWNLOAD> Oh, I almost forgot... Hitting G to lower landing struts will engage artillerty mode. Enjoy!
  10. Amazed by interior works. So what kind of system can handle this 1700-parts ship? I have i5-2500 and I'm worrying about loading this ship.
  11. Did work for company logo. Thank you. - - - Updated - - - It was really helpful tip, thanks!
  12. Thanks Rune, FleshJeb! Now I'm working on new model of Mk3 class, she's coming soon!
  13. Here's one I made. https://www.dropbox.com/s/90o2hery5q8qg6u/KORE%201501.craft?dl=0
  14. Thanks for rep. Liquid fuel only SSTO is possible with nukes, obviously. I think I saw one in the forum. I'll see if excluding oxidizer is beneficial enough.
  15. Separatron is good choice, but launch escape system has more cannon projectile-like characteristic. Two should be clipped together to eliminate torque that LES makes.
  16. Same problem I have, too. Have to detach cargo bay, attach cargo to docking port and re-attach cargo bay.
  17. No, They're not drop tanks. As you can see in first picture in the right bottom, there is no stage except #0.
  18. KORE 204: <CRAFT FILE DOWNLOAD> KORE 404: <CRAFT FILE DOWNLOAD> More descriptions on the way! KORE 1604: <CRAFT FILE DOWNLOAD> KORE always try our best for your pleasant orbital flight. Hope to enjoy our products. And feel free to tune them for yourself, and share them for others. Have a nice flight!
  19. Finally managed to get full orange tank on 75km orbit. Now working on further optimization and improvements.
  20. Problem is that CoM of your craft moves toward rear as fuel is consumed. Because jet engine consumes fuel evenly from all fuel tanks, short tank at front will be empty when long tank at rear is half-empty. Even if you put long fuel tank in front of cargo bay, CoM still will be moved because front tank is farther from CoM than rear tank. Try to maintain position of CoM during your flight. And if you don't locate CoM of spacecraft at center of cargo bay, same kind of problem will be happened while you load/unload cargo.
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