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Everything posted by majNUN

  1. Thanks for continuing this mod. Would it be possible to upload it to SpaceDock so that I can get automatic emails when it is updated?
  2. Dude, just take a break and leave these bad vibes for a bit. There's a lot of love for you here.
  3. Right. Well, back to 32bit for a bit then, eh? Thanks for the heads up. Still about MM, I have seen some mods with a list of required dlls and links to them. Of course, stupid proof is difficult. Another point to ease the bad vibes floating about - change the language. Instead of "disabled" ("RealChute is disabled on Windows 64bit installs") maybe say "suspended" - that gives a bit of hope and leaves room to grow in the future. The MM page says "Win64 must die edition" - and such violent words will just get us more violent comments. We need the good vibes to come back.
  4. Actually, I wasn't having that many problems using windows 64bit version in 0.24.2, considering this game is still in the making. In fact, the only problem recently I'd have is being able to load my ships from the tracking station (which seemed to be connected to MechJeb in some way). Otherwise, everything was pretty peachy. Is 0.25 that bad? The two huge, crash inducing problems I had with mods were (1) Final Frontier - because it seemed to mess up the save files, especially when going back to the space center if the flight wasn't finished (nice mod, but not working for me) and (2) having everybody and his sister using different versions of ModuleManager. This last problem seemed to get better after the updating frenzy subsided. Since all you modders seem to be unionized now, it would be nice if there were some standardization when it came to some things - especially the tweaking business, which has always bothered me. But it really seems like there ought to be some rules about ModuleManager to make it more predictable - keep it at one source and not in every mod file. Seeing how you all are communicating so well, that shouldn't be hard. RealChute is a favorite mod, but I am saddened that 64bit is not working out for it. I do hope it is revisited in the future.
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