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Everything posted by majNUN

  1. Reading this thread, I have the same problem of clouds disappearing - starting slowly at 55k with all the clouds gone by around 75k. They'll pop back in at 160k. I'm only using EVE. I'm running an RTX2060.
  2. ... and the dev said: This clause expires if I happen to be inactive (no connection) for a period of 90 days on the official KSP forums. In that case, the license reverts back to CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 INTL.
  3. Stupid_Chris hasn't been on this forum since Sept 10 last year, so by his own conditions, this mod is totally up for grabs.
  4. It's not easy to move around a capsule. However, in the mod, you could change seats if you have a Kerman in the chair. Other than that, you can look around much as if you were a pilot in the seat.
  5. Out of curiosity, is anyone getting lag with RealChutes in the VAB?
  6. Hello everybody! I would like to be able to fly IVA in stock. The IVA needs more love, more information, more toggles, switches, knobs, and warning lights. Essentially I want to be able to do something like this in the stock game: Video here I had this mod in the past, but Squad has depreciated the particular command pod used, so the future doesn't look bright there. And while @MOARdV is developing a new mod, this should really be stock.
  7. All things considered, I don't mind buying DLCs as long as improvements to the base game continue. I bought KSP as early access, and when it left early access it still looked (and still kind of looks now) like it should be in early access. Sure the company needs to make money, but I'm pretty sure they've made huge amounts already - but where was it spent? New office decor? My biggest complaint is the severe lack of soundscaping in the game - the silence is deafening. But from looking at the advertisements used by Squad, they seem to heavily mod their own gaming experience to the point that it seems they've forgot what is really in the base game and what is not. Every time they release an update, I play vanilla to see what it's like, then I immediately search for my mods like an addict looking for a fix because reality is too harsh. Take away the mods and the game isn't that shiny. Admittedly, the DLCs polish a bit. The game has been out for a few years, and I've seen some good mods and modders come and go. I don't think @linuxgurugamer (God grant you a long life!) can adopt and support all the mods when abandoned. Does KSP have the staying power of Age of Empires? Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing Kerbal Space Program 2 come out if it was done right. And I would probably pay for all the DLCs again - just ask Stardock. (Not to mention that Maxis probably conspired with my daughter to empty my wallet twice - once for The Sims 3 and second for The Sims 4!)
  8. I have non-responsive everything in the MK-1 pod. Is anyone else having this problem?
  9. Well, at the least you might update the version number so people know it'll work in 1.6.1. It'll also keep the thread alive instead of the moderators saying it's old and dead.
  10. Hello. I stranded Valentina and Bob in an elliptical orbit around Kerbin (not enough fuel to get home), and so sent Jeb and Bill to refuel. At around 200m approach, Val and Bob just disappear. Looking at the log file, I get this message: I've got a 1.87m Service Bay stuffed with science experiments on Val and Bob's ship. I'm wondering what all this means. Also, the whole Kerbal system disappears after Val and Bob - although I can go back to the space centre (which is in perpetual night since the sun is gone). Val and Bob are listed as being on active duty, not MIA. Picture (notice Val and Bob are upside-down, ship is gone):
  11. Should these files be empty? FuelTanksPlus\Probe\000_TPtankP_MM.cfg FuelTanksPlus\Size0\000_TPtank0m_MM.cfg FuelTanksPlus\Size1\000_TPtank1m_MM.cfg FuelTanksPlus\Size2\000_TPtank2m_MM.cfg FuelTanksPlus\Size3\000_TPtank3m_MM.cfg
  12. Nice little mod. Is it not being updated to 1.4.x?
  13. But you know there is a legend that clones replace dead Kermans.
  14. Eagerly awaiting the update! :-D This has become a must-have mod. Thanks for the work!
  15. I would prefer a single configurable part. This is not just a great aviation light mod, but it's a great light mod in general, and being able to adjust the light colours would be a fantastic development. I eagerly look forward to the update. Thanks for the work!
  16. Hello @hab136. I took a look at your issue in which you list the values for the large PXL-CRG-1 Logistics Module as: 571.3 Food (3y 287d)37.8 Water (159 d)57831.9 Oxygen (3y 287d)480.9 Waste (33y 406d)52.0 WasteWater (171d)49954.4 CarbonDioxide (3y 287d) So, this is what I get: You can see that with a crew of 1 - she or he gets almost 74 years worth of supplies (in the picture, I'm using a ModPod Crew Cabin because it doesn't have any life support, so the values you see are only from the container). These are calculated at TAC-LS default values. To get these values I was working from the smallest 2.5 module, the PPD-CRG-3, which I guessed to be almost twice the size of the standard 2.5 TAC-LS container. The cfg file for the PPD-CRG-3 says it has a volume of 3750, so I made some ratios and calculated what the container might hold. The resource values for the station parts are calculated according to part volume. @JadeOfMaar suggested to have 2/3 resources and 1/3 waste, which I tried to proportion as best I could. In a similar sized tin, TAC-LS will give you about twice as much storage for the wastes than the resources, so if you really want to store your crap you might want to use TAC-LS parts. @hab136 - You did get the patch, yes?
  17. @JadeOfMaar Here are the numbers for a rough (seriously rough) 2/3 - 1/3 split. As I said before, TAC-LS containers have some odd amounts with a container of a size being able to hold about twice as much waste as resources. Since there is some unknown-to-me method of calculating the different resources, it seemed logical to think about the amount of resources over time. Hence my deciding to measure by how much can be stored over time - using the Kerbin year. Hopefully this brings some playability balance with TAC-LS. For myself, I'm much more interested in how long supplies will last as opposed to how much I have. That being said, I can understand anyone's frustration who might try to calculate a "perfect" LS cycle based on amounts. But hey! - Life sometimes throws too much mulch at you, eh? So over engineer a bit. /// TAC-LS // ============ B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack] { name = SSPXTAC tankMass = 0.0000 tankCost = 0.0 RESOURCE { name = Food unitsPerVolume = 0.3414853333333334 } RESOURCE { name = Water unitsPerVolume = 0.2257164444444443 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen unitsPerVolume = 34.57056355555552 } RESOURCE { name = Waste unitsPerVolume = 0.010752 percentFilled = 0 } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater unitsPerVolume = 0.099528 percentFilled = 0 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide unitsPerVolume = 10.34007 percentFilled = 0 } So, based on a Kerbin year, this is what the rough 2/3 - 1/3 split looks like: Note again that it's a best guesstimate since I don't understand how TAC-LS arrived at their numbers at all. But thinking about it, I'd prefer to have separate containers for LS resources and LS waste. I'd even like to have a separate container for each resource.... I've poked around looking trying to understand how to add tank types, but I'm missing something, if it's possible at all.
  18. @Pleb Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! I found the particular container's cfg says it has a volume of 3750, so I made some ratios based on the TAC-LS numbers and came up with some new values. Given the station part is almost twice as big, I also accounted for that. Most importantly, all the resources finish at the same time, and all the other station part containers seem automagically to be in correct proportion to TAC-LS values I've calculated. Of course it's all a matter of some subjectivity... Here are my numbers: /// TAC-LS // ============ B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack] { name = SSPXTAC tankMass = 0.0000 tankCost = 0.0 RESOURCE { name = Food unitsPerVolume = 0.512228 } RESOURCE { name = Water unitsPerVolume = 0.3385746666666667 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen unitsPerVolume = 51.85584533333333 } RESOURCE { name = Waste unitsPerVolume = 0.0442026666666667 percentFilled = 0 } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater unitsPerVolume = 0.4091706666666667 percentFilled = 0 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide unitsPerVolume = 42.50917666666667 percentFilled = 0 } Although I have to admit, I don't understand where TAC-LS get their numbers. There seems to be large discrepancies between the volume of resources compared to their waste products. TAC-LS containers seem to hold twice as much waste as resources. But that will be a problem to be solved for another day.
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