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Everything posted by Bezzier

  1. Thanks again! I am really looking forward to using this as my lander pod of choice!
  2. Alex, This looks like really wonderful work, and I would love to download it. Could you please upload as a .zip file, instead of or in addition to as a .rar, so that it's accessible to everyone? Thanks!
  3. Little-known fact: In a a group of 23 people, the chance of two having a birthday on the same day is about 50%. In a group of 57, it's 99%. You really shouldn't be shocked if people have the same birthday as you; particularly in a community as active as this one. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem
  4. Hey Ubio, I know you're not supporting mods, but I wanted to make a note. Fustek and SDHI parts aren't weldable for me. I get a message saying there's a missing config file with either. Also trying with Kosmos Parts gives a null parameter error.
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