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Everything posted by JayCheetah

  1. Normally every part you add is 1 modification, but as Lorenzo said, it's okay to add more per attempt, but remember all modifications are final :-) Lorenzo found out the hard way, with my evil lander.
  2. Too bad you didn't manage to get the lander on top of the VAB in it's original form, with some modifications added. But well done solving this little puzzle in your own way :-) The solution is a lot simpler then people would expect. SPOILER: If you haven't watched DonLorenzo's take on the challenge or you want to try this one without knowing the solution DO NOT Watch This Video yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1hddJzCvRQ
  3. This is the new craft. Enjoy Vertical Ascending Booster
  4. And this is my part of the challenge http://youtu.be/mgqBvur-rTg And the .craft of this video. https://www.dropbox.com/s/23lqck9dq1mdzy4/Log.craft
  5. Most people submitting their video's would love to have that amount of subs
  6. Perhaps the stock mission pack needs balancing, but don't worry i am already working on a new mission pack for Mission Controller. Should be more in line with the tech tree. Also updated channel list.
  7. Latest episode of the Kerbol Exploration Society is available for viewing. Subscribe if you like the video's, if you do not like the video's please leave a comment/suggestion on things i can improve or let me know what annoys you in general :-)
  8. So true. Doesn't this forum has a profanity filter? If so, add multiplayer to the list :-)
  9. Thread still open, so anyone that needs a channel advertised can reply here.
  10. Episode 6 now available for viewing. Minmus and the space tug. Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe, like and leave a comment. http://youtu.be/CINY4uSagkQ
  11. Episode 2 just got out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIfukI7oNeg&feature=youtu.be Enjoy
  12. I hope for landed vessels only? Even Kerbals are not stupid enough to transfer fuel while moving at 2200m/s As for my own KSP wish. True exploration: starting with a only Mun discovered system and by observation discovering everything else. -JayCheetah
  13. Episode 5 is now available for viewing. Ever wondered how to get from Mun to Minmus, be sure to check this episode out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghfQJ9YcIso Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe and like or leave comment.
  14. Episode 4 just got released! It took me a bit longer to get this video out, since i was experimenting with recordings. I hope you like the result. Enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment/like and subscribe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb2-g2WB_RM
  15. Like arq said: Action groups work like a charm, but you will have to remember to set them up.
  16. Changed it to DonLorenzo. In my next episode of the Kerbol Exploration Society i am going to mention my favorites.
  17. There is one problem. You are not using stock parts, so how would anyone not using your mods solve this? My first guess would be: Fuel imbalanced.
  18. If you still have RCS fuel on Jeb, try and stabilize his orbit a bit ( but keep plenty of fuel left ) launch a rescue mission that will rendezvous with Jeb within 500m or so and have jeb EVA to the ship. You gave me an idea for my next Kerbal Space Program Troubleshooting series :-)
  19. Untill you have a new series going, we'll just keep Kethane video's
  20. It does, but as a dutchman myself it easy to reconize the slightest accents, and eventually your channel name gave it away
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