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Everything posted by JayCheetah

  1. Hello kerbonauts, Besides my Kerbol Exploration Society series, i started to make video's about common problems player can encounter while playing Kerbal Space Program. This first video is about unstable rockets and how to easily solve this and is filled with explosions New video every week. If you have a suggestion, please leave a comment. Enjoy watching and don't forget to subscribe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P5x4IQ6_r8&list=PLHXKPlLn43T4060rwONXG-4BlnDGTEJsw&index=1
  2. Channel list has been updated! If you want a more precise description of your channel contant me via PM.
  3. Tutorials, crazy stuff is ofcourse great content, but it's been done before.. by the best. Tutorials: Scott Manley Funny Stuff: HOCgaming ( allthough he does some "serious" content as well ) Crazy stuff: Danny2462 But i know what you mean. I tend not to watch video's with players simply doing the same thing over and over and are unable to amaze me with either game knowledge or really good rocket builds.
  4. Everyone starting a let's play or anything KSP related video, probably has problems getting those views and subscribers. of course your video's will need to have entertainment value, but even when your video's are great, its still very hard to get a succesful channel going. Posting your video's in a forum like this is a start, but unfortunally people tend to watch video's other people watch as well. Sort of the "No one will go eat in an empty restaurant, all though the food and service is amazing" Youtube video's and channels are no different. Having no views/likes/subscribers will turn people off. They could possibly miss out on great content. Even if your KSP video's can not match up with the great ones already out there, viewers comment can help you improve your video's. And let's be honoust, making video's knowing that 10 people will watch it for sure and enjoy it, makes it worth it. Basically this is a callout to everyone using this forum. Support the KSP youtubers and not only the big boys like Scott and Harv. Below the links to our youtube channels. JayCheetah's Channel Massive Duna Colonization Mission, Kethane, KAS, Remotetech and more mods SolarLinerGames Channel For english speaking KSP fan, but also French. CrazyPilotEarl's Channel Be forewarned: There is old man cackling. Locutusborg13's Channel German spoken video's. jonskowitz's Channel Healthy collection of KSP video's DonLorenzo's Channel 'A Mission a Day' series using the Mission Controller plugin. Lessons in Space also available. Channel iKerbals Reddit challenges and landings on every celestial body thats out there. Kirkus Maximus Channel Achieving and informative missions 7499275's Channel Kethane Missions Chris Nicholson's Channel Career Mode Guides THEWHITEGUY's Channel Zoxgaming Channel Literal Space Plane Project a.k.a Kerbal Fail Program Korbital Mechanic's Channel Tutorials and the science behind Kerbal Space Program Shimmythejj's Channel The Sandbox Space Campaign (Sandbox play with a strict budget!) SirineYumi's Channel Not much too show yet Mazlem's Channel Mun base and Kethane Mining Darlock Ahe's Channel Not advanced.... Yet! Nine2Five Studio's Channel Comedy by poor ship design Promincraftia's Channel Military Kethane style LearningByGaming's Channel Tutorials, airplanes and spaceplanes GWCgaming's Channel X-Plane crash, one hit wonder :-) Larsmaehlum's Channel Hardmode KSP, with tons of mods Cruzanak's Channel KSP Quick Guides Rockettechgamers Channel Talented demolisher Please add your own youtube channel link, so i can add them to this post. Thank you for reading and hope to see you on our channels soon.
  5. Are you Dutch? If not then i mistaken your accent
  6. See me fail on several occassions in this next episode of Kerbol Exploration Society Good news the Fuel Station is taking shape. Don't miss this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cKnQlvI8Ak
  7. Thanks and to prevent people from flaming me i added the disclaimer :-)
  8. Episode 6 http://youtu.be/CINY4uSagkQ Episode 7 http://youtu.be/aODckl0nDis
  9. Hello fellow kerbonauts, I decided to start recording my endeavours in Kerbal Space Program and just uploaded my first episode of the Kerbol Exploration Society. Explosions, failures and mild successes are just some of the ingredients that make my video's fun to watch, really only a video with Ninja's, Unicorns and Pirates could possibly be better. Be brave and dare to watch my first episode and do not forget to subscribe to be the first to know when new videos are uploaded. Episode 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5bOR-KEyhk Episode 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCCGadUbe3k Episode 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cKnQlvI8Ak Episode 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb2-g2WB_RM Episode 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghfQJ9YcIso Disclaimer: Kerbals are not ( intentionally ) being hurt, while recording. The Kerbol Exploration Society does not take any responsabiltity for any urges to immediately start playing Kerbal Space Program viewers might have after watching these videos.
  10. Guess i am the only one that can slow a descent with parachutes on Duna.
  11. Hey how about measuring the gravity, heres the GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector..... I don't get it. You start a topic because some things in the tech tree are not of your liking, but when someone else feels that other parts are out of place you disagree with their post... Be consistent and like the Tech Tree should be. If they really want new players get to know the game and the mechanics, a logical choice would be to do first flights with gravity reading and atmospheric reading. Along with a Kerbal way of saying what happens at certain altitudes, they might get the hang of gravity turns by themselves. I agree with the fact that some science equipment is introduced so late in the tech tree that you basically do not need to use it to gain science point and therefor losing it value.
  12. Found a problem where struts, pipes and other pick up items can't be reattached. Restarting the game does solve this though.
  13. Hi guys, I started playing just a few weeks ago and i am totally addicted. So far achieved to land on Mun and Minmus, so still alot for me to do. Greets, Jay
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