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Everything posted by locustgate

  1. The DeltaV stats are frequently not showing up. EDIT: It doesn't show up at all for the rapier and kendryte engines, all others it shows up only after I go to the launch pad.
  2. It's falling about 2 feet and it does it even if it starts on the ground. Crash report as follows 0:00 Rover Max wheel collides with the surface 0:00 Battery collided with the launch pad 0:00 Light Collides with the launch pad Random parts hit at random times.
  3. OK so I keep trying to make an eva kerbaled rover but everytime I do it just.....scaters, everything goes in opposite direction and then just exploades. I've tried elevating it but the second it hits the ground it does the same thing. Ok so when ever I add a generator it explodes, I've never had this happen and use it all the time on my unmanned rovers. Edit Ok maybe it's not just the gen did it with panals Edit 2 Ok did it without Panels still did it.......wait tried it without the seat and it didn't do it. 3 GOD DAMN OK if there is any kind of controls it does it. 4 screw it I give up. Blew up with 3 set of wheels 2 batteries and 2 lights 5 Can't upload pic right now so here is a basic diagram X=seat 1=Vertical box-=horizontal box(the smallest box unit in structure) o=wheel R=light B=battery A=air ARAAR o1aaa1o o1--- 1o o1aaa1o aBaaaBa
  4. OK so I keep trying to make an eva kerbaled rover but everytime I do it just.....scaters, everything goes in opposite direction and then just exploades. I've tried elevating it but the second it hits the ground it does the same thing. EDIT: Crap put this in the wrong thread, ignore.
  5. I tried switching the 4 outside engines with skippers...well....I didn't get off the launch pad.
  6. Well I go Full throttle until I hit 100 m/s then cut to the minimum a I can. When I hit 9.5k m I begin turning to 90 45 when the AP gets to 75k m I circle my orbit till both ap and..Pa?. reach 75k m, then burn at a 90 angle from the moon then circulate asap then descend. P.S. The engines are Lv 909 x4 Poodle Skipper Mainsail x 5
  7. Note 3 Is meant to be intercept rocket. 2 Circularize then rapid decent. 3: Orbit 75k-100k.
  8. Ok...I have no clue what I'm doing wrong, all I'm able to do is get the...to stages up to 4k dv but anytime I try to get it over, no matter what the fuel/rocket types, it then starts to decline. I'm able to get to the moon and land but not get back from it as I use the return fuel to land, used infinite fuel to test it out and the lander is able to return to kerbin even after using fuel to land. So the main problem I'm having is wasting fuel to get to orbit and to Mun. SO I have 2 theories either I'm making the transit stages to big/ not big enough or my lander is to big.
  9. Do you have the bottom tanks strutted? If so No clue. What are you Lifting? Edit: I mean strutted to each other?
  10. Both of the front right and back left tires are suppose to turn in the opposite direction as all other tires?
  11. Ok so I made a standard small rover, metal plate base, I'm using the smallest wheels but no matter what I do the front right and back left are always turning in the opposite direction as the others. Edit: Unable to load picture now. In the mean time: Wheel -o base x Direction </> >o-xxx-o< >o-xxx-o> <o-xxx-o> OR <o-xxx-o> <o-xxx-o< >o-xxx-o<
  12. A general rule I learned after day one of rover designing, if you can flip it with medium difficulty on Kerbine DO NOT PUT IT ON ANY OF THE MOONS. Especially Minimus.
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