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Everything posted by OstermanA

  1. Not 8, only 4. However, each spoke has a 2x5 grid of the 2m panels in 12x symmetry, then I cloned the bottom half again to make the top and stitched it all together with struts. The spokes themselves are eight of the long I-beams, which if I'm figuring correctly puts the whole ring at 66 meters in diameter, and thus means it need ~3.5 RPM to pull 1 G on the interior. Also, I spent *FAR* too much on this rig, and turned the graphics all the way down. So that helped. However, it was down to single-digits frames-per-second even while it was on the hold-down clamps and has never gotten beyond that. Edit: If it helps with a sense of scale, I had a hexagon of 3m stacks put the thing into orbit, and the hex was smaller than the inner ring of struts.
  2. I made Big Ring 3.2: The physics engine is crying tears of blood. I launched it with MechJeb, but otherwise 100% stock parts. I do have Better Time Warp, FAR and Flight Engineer installed, though, which helped. I set up MechJeb to launch it at 1/5 real-time and went to bed. That was twelve hours ago. When I came back, MechJeb's autowarp had moved me back into "real" time, but MET is still only T+01:25:08, and at "1x" warp it seems to be moving at 1 second per 8 seconds. It's too bad, really, because if the engine was chugging to badly I would totally bring a rover up here and drive around on the inside of the loop.
  3. Good suggestion, thank you. It's there now. Also made the screenshots smaller for readability.
  4. Challenge is simple. Take off and land again without blowing up anything except the inevitable airbrakes. Ship is totally stock. MechJeb is allowed, but I don't think it'll help you much. I call it the Flame Dart for all of the times I've accidentally overheated and exploded. Be warned, watching it steer itself on SAS is kinda hypnotic. I'm also not sure it's physically possible, but a lot of you are *much* better pilots than I. Here's the craft on KerbalX: http://kerbalx.com/crafts/6900
  5. If I already knew how it all worked, I wouldn't need documentation. Hard to add information you don't have.
  6. I know of that one, but it is very little more than the bare bones version. I was hoping something more comprehensive existed.
  7. Where can I find good and proper documentation of what goes into a .CFG file? I'd like to build a graphical tool to build one dynamically, but I'm not sure what all goes in them, or what each wants for a value. Is it even worth doing?
  8. SSTO Mission Report 20 parts total SSTO to 246,456.5 +/- 9.5m and back again. Advanced Precision Award earned.
  9. Damn, I practically forgot how to fly without MechJeb. At least I have plenty of spare delta-V. Will post pictures after the run.
  10. Yeah, as I said in the original post the GUI is broken. I\'m not really sure why, never done a GUI before. Just ignore it.
  11. Can you Google? Right click on executable, hit Send To->Desktop Right click on the new desktop shortcut. Properties -> Shortcut tab. Where it says 'Target', add the switches you want to use to the end. If someone wants to make a fancy .bat file for ease of use, I\'d appreciate it. Don\'t have time now.
  12. Run->CMD Though even easier, probably, would be to create a shortcut & modify it to include the switches.
  13. I\'ve never tried PowerSat, though I do all of my own mapping with the classic MechJeb capsule/pod/thing.
  14. Soo~ooo.... Does anyone have any useful feedback on this? At all? I don\'t actually know C#, so for all I know the code is one big cluster of a mess.
  15. Is there a file that ends with .csv in PluginData/isa_RAM_module ?
  16. I left the module running over night & there is definitely something wrong with it. I\'ll figure out what & repost. Problem patched. Also uploading a full install of the module, rather than just the plugin.
  17. I can do a readme when I get home. Yes, there is another but frankly I don\'t like how it was implemented. I\'ve been rewriting this for a couple months now, and talking to Innsewerants it sounds like it will be a bit before 'Real Life' will allow him to update the 'official' release. I asked if I could publish mine & received approval. So here it is.
  18. With Innsewerants permission, I am posting a variation on the map module. It is functional in 0.15.1+, though my GUI is, frankly, broken. Fortunately you don\'t need it. If the module fails to start, just pause/unpause the game. Among the changes is the plugin does a sizable data dump once every ten real seconds, and reads information once every game second. It will shut down automatically if you exceed 10x warp. This allows for very complete maps rather quickly. I\'ll keep tinkering with the GUI. If any of you smart people see why it\'s misbehaving let me know. For the code itself, if I know what it does it\'s documented. There\'s a few things about the drawing the part itself I can\'t quite wrap my mind around, but then I\'ve never had any training, formal or otherwise, in graphical programming. It\'s not all that thoroughly tested, but I don\'t foresee any catastrophic bugs. Let me know, of course. Regards, -OstermanA Edit: I seem to be having some performance issues at 10x warp. Perhaps the KSP.IO adds some inefficiencies, or perhaps my updating code itself is less efficient than previous versions. I seem to be having some framerate issues. Let me know if ya\'ll are having them as well, I may need to optimize the code, or reduce the maximum warp to 5x. To use: Extract into KSP directory. Should put everything in the right spot. Part shows up in the VAB. Or SPH, if you\'re feeling bold. The map generator is documented here. This mod is originally by Innsewerants, I\'ve just made a few tweaks. The code is based on his, the part and animations are all his work. See his mod for full credits.
  19. How did you fix the plugin to work with KSP.IO? I\'m looking forward to getting back to mapping, but sadly my C# is weak and I don\'t see an easy solution with the available tools.
  20. Personal best to date: 24,446m on a single turbojet engine. New personal best to date: 26,593m on the same turbojet. Two submissions for regular jets. The first is only 11,589m, but was accomplished without ever leaving the runway. The second is 11,990 and was done later on the same flight.
  21. Mun mapping is currently broken due to changes made in 0.15. According to a conversation I had with N3X15, mapping will function correctly in 0.15.1, whenever that gets pushed. The code\'s done & briefly tested, but will be released along with the rest of the update.
  22. I found the problem. The exception being caught was wrong. Should have been '} catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uae) {'. For S&G\'s I added an additional '} catch (PathTooLongException ptle) {' that shuts it down & clears the buffer.
  23. So, with Innsewerants\' permission I have been tweaking the code for his mapping module. I have it behaving almost exactly as I want it to save for two annoying details. The first is I have added a graphical toggle to turn the module on and off. I want it to default to center screen, and am not sure how to make it do this. The other issue is I have added a bit of caching with the intention that if the output file is busy, it sill simply skip a write pass & wait for the next one. For some reason, the try/catch block I have implemented this with does not get the memo when something breaks. I\'ve tried using several commands to print debug messages with no dice, and the system log shows it dumping the entire cache even though it\'s supposed to abort. I am either misunderstanding how a try/catch works with a loop or the engine is not telling my script about the error. The code can be found here. If someone could take a look & give me a few pointers on where I screwed up, I\'d appreciate it. Also, as I know there\'s at least one stupid thing in that, I should point out I don\'t actually know C#. I\'ve dabbled in Java and C++, and am faking it.
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