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Everything posted by Yaivenov

  1. Oh, just a thought, but would it be possible to "fake" some comets into the game via re-textured asteroids in high elliptical orbits?
  2. Could such a mass shift be incorporated into the inflatable heat shield to solve some of it's stability problems? As in shifting the COM towards the shield, not moving it off center for lift purposes.
  3. So more Neil DeGrasse, and less Jebediah Kerman.
  4. So I was tinkering with some boosters and pairing up smaller engines with larger for steering and what not and I got to thinking, exactly why do I need to dink about with a thrust plate? The procedural fuel tanks already allow me to make some rather nice looking (and functional) tank bulkheads, and it pretty much already looks like a thrust plate if you size it right, so why not cut out the middle man and make it so you can mount engines on the ends radial style? I don't need game constraints to tell me that putting an F-1 on the side of the main body is probably a bad idea, but why not let me build my engine clusters with ease? Added bonus, reduced part and joint counts. tl;dr: Just make all the engines radially mountable with their "normal" node as the mounting point. Alternate solution: Incorporate the thrust plate node system right into the procedural fuel tanks.
  5. Thanks for the heads up, I'll check it out during my numerous 5 minute game reboots.
  6. Did you guys want serious scientific blurbs, maybe a bit on the educational side, or did you want the classically Kerbal humor?
  7. A few random questions about fuels and fuel tanks: 1: Do balloon tanks (that do not themselves contain an expanding material) require a source of nitrogen/helium/CO2 to maintain their rigidity and structural soundness? 2: Will hypergolic fuels (such as used on the LEM) require a source of pressurized gas in order to flow in zero-G? (The LEM used helium to push its hypergolic propellants if I recall correctly.) 3: I'm looking at using kethane to make an appropriate ISRU system, looking for suggestions about what sort of propellants and resources would be actually feasible for synthesis in place, such as using ammonia to make hydrazine. As for local materials to harvest, to start with various ices: Water, methanol, ammonia, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide and carbonyl sulfide. From these what wonders might we create?
  8. Great, looks like it's time for me to start learning how to tweak Kethane's resources.
  9. I'm eyeballing Kethane and pondering a conversion where by you can use it to collect up various ices and then process them. Real materials converted to real resources in realistic quantities.
  10. Does it's licensing allow for such re-purposing or was EPL a special case?
  11. Stupid question moment, but is Kethane in any way compatible, or reasonably capable of being made compatible, with RSS/RO? For instance I was wondering if instead of "kethane" it could be changed over to hunt for various ices (water, ammonia, methanol, formaldehyde, etc.) and exploit them to make various resources (H2, O2, N2H4, H2O2, CH4, N2O4, etc.)?
  12. Parts I never knew I needed! Personally I like the high vis yellow. Kinda important when you're floating around your station and can't afford to miss your hand hold.
  13. Well... nuts. I was looking forward to doing some 1:1 real scale multi-system stuff with that fancy new alcubierre drive.
  14. Oooo..... How about procedural conformal pipes/cabling? Basically fuel lines, except you mark the start and end nodes, and then it forms a utility fairing along the surface of the craft from point A to point B like on the Atlas and other rockets. This would really help with things like connecting service modules to capsules and ensuring fuel flow between them for RCS, etc. which is a real pain in the ass to do with the stock fuel line. Note the pipes/tunnels running up the sides of the rocket for the control wires and plumbing:
  15. True, but I think as an end user the most expeditious solution for myself is just to disable or otherwise remove the capsule RCS, in the configs or otherwise.
  16. Just a quick note for others using mechjeb and having trouble with RCS attitude control. Apparently it's something with the built in space capsule RCS thrusters. With them active Smart ASS goes nuts trying to find and hold an orientation, wasting huge quantities of propellant. However when I manually turned off the capsule thrusters and used some surface mounted thrusters everything went back to working normally. ETA: Also a general question: With the new star system mods being put out is RSS going to switch over to one of those methods instead of altering the Kerbol system (and being short a few planets and moons, Earth being called Kerbin, etc.).
  17. Outstanding work. Do you think it will ever be compatible with RSS/RO?
  18. Having some trouble using the interstage adapter in RSS/RO. I've unlocked the tech nodes for 6m and 10m size scaling but the part still wont allow me to size it over 3m diameter. Is there an easy fix for this?
  19. Is there a fix for the bouncy water somewhere that I've missed? Seems that every splash down my craft sits there and keeps bobbing rapidly preventing me from recovering it.
  20. Very cool parts, just the sort of thing I was looking for. Perhaps a further refinement would see the gantries and umbilicals operating off a single unitary tower instead of each of them having its own? ETA: Anyone have any ideas on how to make the boarding gantry work with shrouded (inside a fairing) spacecraft? Maybe fairing sections with a hatch?
  21. So a practical question, exactly how large of a universe can we effectively simulate without borking something important? I'm referring to the physical constraints of our stellar sandbox, not the amount of items we can put in it. Is modeling something that is several/a few dozen light years in size possible?
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