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Posts posted by StEligius

  1. I'll keep that in mind for the distant future, since animated lights can be pretty resource-intensive.
    I suggest that they might be out of scope for Fustek Station Parts considering that it is possible to add via third party addons.

    Just my IMNSHO

    Wasn't thinking of it on the door (wasn't even sure if that was a possibility with them moving). Maybe 4 total above and below seam of the door inside and out.

    Here is a Wikipedia page for common industrial signal light color codes (which doesn't completely support my suggestion of amber): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_light

    The Warehouse module will have a rotating drum magazine to hold 16 payload racks, so I doubt any Kerbals would get stuck in there.


    Nice to hear about the magazine once again after that short exploratory thread way back when. <3

    PS: A lot of mobile equipment and robots (funny the point at which some people will draw a line and say a machine is or isn't a robot) I've been around have rotating yellow or white light.

  2. I tried TankSteer but it wasn't working (most likely because there's a bunch of wheels on one part, while tanksteer is programmed to handle a bunch of separate parts depending on where they are on the craft), so I ended up having to write my own steering code. I don't even know if overriding them to manual steer is necessary if I'm overriding the steering itself anyway.

    Would it be possible to split it into three components: a chassis with two attach points and one side of the legs (with the second group of legs mirrored)? Would the mirrored set of legs be a problem as they would be counter to the direction of the first set of legs (thus walking in circles)?

  3. I dunno, parachutes are hard to model and i wouldn't know where to start. I'll have a look at it when i've got the TAC pack wrapped up ><

    Isn't that what the RealChute module is for? All one would need to do is model the wedge, learn RealChute's API and call the module?

  4. Ven, nice very good stock-like feel. Nothing unnecessary, nicely minimalistic, doesn't look too fragile with naked-to-space components. Again nice!

    Kip, like the look, nice and gritty, would look good on Duna as part of a rover digging around in the rust soil.

    LandeTLS, good looking part.

  5. the texture is getting there, I'm just not really a fan of the noisiness on the flatter sections. Also, and this will require more modelling, but why not only have one top view port and shift the docking port section down? It'll make the shape asymmetrical and more appealing in my opinion.

    Not trying to be disrespectful to sharpspoonful but, please ignore his suggestions there are a few school bus/truck/airplane shaped pods out there already. I would say that a lot of people that have been urging you to continue on like it for what it is.

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