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Posts posted by cfds

  1. 4 hours ago, GoSlash27 said:

    I second what @regex said.

     KSP is actually an educational program masquerading as a toy. If you want to know the t/w and DV, it's a simple matter to calculate it from the available information.

      Pretend you're a rocket scientist and figure it out. It's much more fun that way!






    But why give us a display for the craft mass? Pretend to be a rocket scientist and add up all the masses of the single parts. It's more fun that way!

  2. I believe you that you did not edit in the error message. When I heard that this issue was fixed I assumed that this whole check was just removed (because: Why does anyone need an automatic check for occlusion when activating a part? If you do not want to activate shrouded engines/antennas/landing gears just do not activate them.), but now it looks like it was just patched around. With predictable results.

  3. 1 hour ago, ag3nt108 said:

    I don't think you can infer a disgruntled customer base from a half a dozen doom posts no, I would estimate less than 3% of the customer base even reads the forums.

    I would also estimate that less than 5% of the customer base launch the game a second time after playing the tutorial and failing to reach space after an hour of tinkering.

  4. @Plusck: Is your example not the classical case of "garbage in, garbage out"? KER deltaV readout is correct enough for most cases (and probably more correct than most of the displays in the engineer report).

    I see no problem providing a display of the deltaV a rocket will provide assuming no Isp variances (be it throttling, disabling engines, changes in atmospheric pressure or designed cosine losses).

  5. 12 hours ago, AlphaAsh said:

    Install Kerbal Konstructs. Install some static packs that have launchpads and runways. Add some more launchpads and a runway near the KSC. Add some crawlerways. Add some... you get my point.

    Now if only Kerbal Konstructs could use the (Tier 3) KSC assets to provide  at least a bit of a consistent look...


    The lack of modability of the KSC in general is not nice, I believe it is not even possible to change the conditions the different tiers provide (like the max parts for the VAB).  On the other hand, the last building added to the KSC was in .90 (if I am not mistaking something), so there may be no one left at SQUAD who knows how to change anything at KSC apart from some graphics...

  6. 1 hour ago, Darnok said:

    If people would have some land, they could produce food for them selves. Food prices are controlled by governments, but on free market farmers should earn fair prices... problem is how to take control from governments :)

    That assumes that the land actually provides enough food for the farmer. And even then the problem is not he government of the land the farmer works but the governments of countries of highly industrialized farming that try too push their overproduction into every other country that is not powerful enough to say "keep your crap". The prize of wheat and corn in African countries is not controlled by African government, it is controlled by US, EU, China and Russia. But according to you, these countries have to be "free to do what they want in their countries".

  7. 6 hours ago, Stargate525 said:

    I'll stop supporting Squad's current and future products, work to spread the information regarding their malfeasance, lend and support I can to hypothetical litigation if there was actual legal wrongdoing involved, and encourage those around me to do the same.

    I do this since the "full release". With about one explorer page of mods the game might be worth $40, but SQUAD deserves at most five of them.

  8. Is there any documentation how the InterstellarTextureSwitch module is supposed to work? I tried to declutter the TAClife support parts but I failed trying to set up the texture switch.

    I added the following block to the general life support container

    		name = InterstellarTextureSwitch
    		textureRootFolder = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportContainers/
    		textureNames = Texture;FoodTexture;OxygenTexture;WasteTexture;WaterTesture
    		textureDisplayNames = Life Support;Food;Oxygen;Waste;Water
    		nextButtonText = Next Color
    		prevButtonText = Previous Color
    		statusText = Current Color

    The buttons appear, but nothing else happens. Removing the root folder part and adding the path directly to the texture names does not work, as well as omitting the path completely. Are pngs even supported?

  9. 12 hours ago, DChurchill said:

    As a returning player who hasn't played since .23, is PF better than the stock fairings? I used PF back then and loved it. Something seems off about the stock fairings.

    At the moment they seem to have some weird interactions between struts and auto-struts, but I don't think they could ever be worse than the stock fairings (unless the .dll is replaced with ransomware..)

  10. On 31.3.2016 at 9:55 AM, Morse said:

    Hi, author of the Precise Maneuver mod here.

    I'm about to update my mod for 1.1, and to overhaul it a little in the process. I want to do it modular, and I'm thinking about adding this kind of gizmo as one of the modules. I imagine it to look something like this (a rough mockup, icons are not shown, but they'll be there):



    I don't understand why anyone would want to pull at some handles instead of just entering the values by hand or do customizable steps. Precise manoeuvre is perfect as it is now,  if it ain't broken, don't try to 'improve' it with appleish extras.

  11. The usual bugs in the "will never be fixed" category are, to return to your sword smith analogy:

    - "The blade is not made from adamantium"
    - "There are no jewels in the pommel"
    - "The runes on the blade do not do anything"
    - "Is too unwieldy for field dress a hamster"
    - "Could you temper it differentially?"

    So either absolutely cosmetic changes, impossible changes, senseless demands or wishes that would change a whole great deal of the workflow with unforeseeable results.



  12. The explanation "development tool" seems unlikely: the better quality of IVA is probably "simply" achieved by designing interior and exterior together at the same time in an external modelling program. 'Stumbled upon Unity gimmick and an afternoon of playing around' sounds far more probable.

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